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-- I'm really sorry for the wait for this chapter, it might be a sucky short chapter but there's one more being written after this one , pls dun hate meee 😭🙏💖--

Ashley's POV -March 9, 2016 6:00-

I woke up at my usual time this morning, getting ready to shake Lizzie awake until I heard a 'ding' indicating that I received a message from someone. I was going to ignore it, but seeing how it was from my boss, it must've been important.

I unlocked my Phone quickly turning the brightness down before it had a chance to blind me.

'Because of your hard work this week, you have been rewarded with a day off.' It read.

I was surprised, our boss never gave a day off in his life, he must've been extremely impressed. Well, since I'm awake, mind as well make breakfast. I slowly sat up carefully getting out of Lizzie's death grip and instantly stopped when I heard her groan.

"Mm.." she mumbled sniffling.

I then continued walking downstairs, going down in just a sports bra and boyshorts that I bought from PINK. I opened the fridge bending over to get the ingredients.

"Nice butt." Someone said.

I instantly jumped up to see that it was just David sitting on my couch. I put my hand over my heart trying to catch my breath.

"H-How the hell..."

"if you don't want Someone to come in, lock your door."

"Front door was locked asshole," He pointed behind him.

"Back door wasn't."

Fucking Smartass

"whatever, just get out." I said crossing my arms. He made a face then stood up shaking his head.

"I'd rather not." He stopped in front of me crossing his arms looking me up and down.

"You look sexy." He said winking. I rolled my eyes. This is triggering me.

"You know I still have a button? Your ass will be right back in jail, Try me."

He held up his hands stating that he surrenders. I ignored him as I got everything,  mixing the ingredients together for the pancakes.

"Can I have some as well?"

"I thought I told you to leave?" I said not turning around to look at him.

"Maybe if you treat me to breakfast I'll leave.?" He said sounding as if he was asking a question.

I didn't answer him. I didn't hear him move so I flinched when he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Why flinch , I told you it was an accident." He said burying his face in my neck.

"David, FUCKING move." I said starting to tense up,

",make me, BabyGirl." He said, luckily for him I didn't turn the stove on yet, if I did, he would've had a burnt face by now. I put the whisk down and turned around smiling at him.

"Make you?" I said in a sweet voice and fake smile.

He nodded winking. I laughed and was about to wrap my arms around his neck.


Then kneed him in the balls earning a groan from him, watching him double over then punched him in the jaw.

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