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-march 10, 2016-

Amanda's POV

It is 7:01 and I am finally finished for today. I have typed and signed my little bit of paperwork I had left and sent it in. We were now free to leave.

"Lizzie, we are able to leave now." I told her watching her look up from her coloring page.

"Really really?" she asked, she seemed excited to leave, I couldn't blame her, I am as well.

"Yes sweetheart," I Chuckled

"Please collect all your things and bring them along." she hurriedly picked up her books and crayon box putting them into the bag.

"Yay! are we going to go get Emma now?"

"You betchaaa!" I replied, pinching her cheeks.

"Yayayay, let us gooo!" she grabbed my hand basically dragging me out my own office.

"Amanda, you have friday off, have a wonderful three day weekend!" My boss yelled from his office, I was so happy. Me and Lizzie could actually get to know each other a little more.

"Thank you, you have a nice one as well, Boss!"

Me and Lizzie made our way to the car. I hope Emma is ready by the time we get there, she can get kind of distracted easily. I helped Lizzie into the seat, buckled her then did the same for myself. I know Emma either thinks that I forgot about her punishment or she either forgot about it herself, we'll see.

"Ms.Amanda?" I heard from behind me, I was driving so I looked through the rear view mirror.

"Yes hun?"

"Do you wanna see a picture I colored?" She asked. I could tell that she was excited.

"Awe I'm sorry sweetheart, i'm driving right now, do you think you could describe it to me for right now?" I asked her putting my eyes back on the road.

"Yes Yes I can" She cleared her throat dramatically gaining a chuckle from me.

"Soo.. you see I colored hello kitty whose wearing a tutu. The tutu is blue and the slippers are matching the tutu. She has a bow that I colored pink anddd an orange smoothie!" She explained proudly.

"That sounds really pretty sweetheart. Are you finished with it? We can put it on the fridge when we get home, if you want.." I heard her gasp really loudly, she must be in such a good mood.

" Really?!"

"Yess!~ especially if it sounds THAT pretty." I complimented hearing a small 'thank you' between excited squeals. I finally turned into the hospital, parked the car then looked at Lizzie.

"Do you want to go inside or stay here?"

"n-neither.." she spoke honestly. hmm..

"I'll just call Emma that we're here, okay?" she nodded then went back to her coloring books. I called Emma, three rings and she finally picked up.


"Hey pumpkin, we're outside."

'uhm, okay.. why didn't you come inside?'

"we'll talk about it later, come hurry, the traffic may or may not be bad tonight."

'okay~ i'll be right out, bye-bye.'

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