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Ashley's POV

We arrived finally at the mall and Lizzie was sound asleep with Dr.who tightly against her as she slept. I parks the car and shook her lightly causing her to wake up from her slumber.

"Mmm.." She groaned.

"BabyGirl, wake up."

"Are we there, Mommy?"

"Yes Honey." I unbuckled her and picked her up along with her Owl stuffie.

Locking the door, we walked in and that woken Lizzie up, she was extremely excited now, looking around at all the stores that we're surrounding us.

"Wow.." She said in Awe watching as her paci fell out her mouth. I caught it and put it in my pocket.

"Where do you wanna go first?"

"Uhm... Uhm..." She replied, unsure.

"I'll tell yah what, we'll walk around for a bit, and when you see a store you like, just tell me, okay kitten?" I asked.

"Otay mommy." We started walking and almost instantly Lizzie pointed out a store with a lot of cute items, Dresses, onesies, stuffed animals, toys, shoes, outfits. We're going to be in this store forever, I can already tell.

Lizzie's POV

I dunno why, but when not in little space in a tomboy, and in little space I can't help but to want everything pink and to crave for the extreme fluffiness. Does that make sense? 

I pointed to a pink and black dress that had flowers on it.

"This looks beautiful!" She says going over to it.

"You wanna try it on, baby?"

"Sure, Mommy." She picked up a size 14/16 and walked inside a dressing room helping me try it on.

"It fit okay, pumpkin?" She asked.

"Hm.." I did a little twirl and giggled as it lifted floating above my knees.

"I love it! Can we get it?"

"Of course, anything you want BabyGirl."

"Yay! Yay!" We took it off and walked off.

"See anything else?" I saw some cute black overalls ad a white tee shirt with a unicorn on it and pointed at it. She grabbed a size 14/16 in both and we went to the register and paid for it. She walked out the store and I started squirming.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" I never thought this would happen so randomly.

"M-My... princess parts, feel funny.." I said quietly and I could feel Mommy's smirk as we walked into this personal bathroom for 1 person.

Ashley's POV

I don't know if she's ready for me to do this just yet.. I set her bags down and moved her in front of me watching as she wrapped her legs around my waist, then put her up against the wall gently.

"Are you sure about this, BabyGirl?" I asked quietly.

"Yes Mommy, Please.." She begged softly biting her bottom lip. Her begging made me slightly turned on. I positioned her making her more comfortable causing her to pull me towards her kissing me impatiently. Our lips moved in sync as she moaned into it quietly.

I slowly motioned my hand down to her princess parts and started rubbing her clit gently going in circles.

"Is this what you want, Lizzie?" I whispered into her ear. She let out shakey breaths and nodded whimpering quietly.

"Yes, M-Mommy.." She moaned a bit as I started rubbing faster.

"Sh,Sh,Sh Princess, we're in a Public Place. People can hear you." I said grinning as I nipped at her collar bone making her gasp.

"I c-can't.... Mommyy.." She says tilting her head back. I slowly stuck one finger in and started pumping in and out quickly continuing to rub her throbbing clit faster with my thumb.

"F-Fuckk Mommyy!" She moaned a loud whimpering quietly.

"Mommy, can I please have cummies?" She asked while panting heavily.

"Since you were impatient, you will wait. Cum without permission and you will be punished." I informed her.

She groaned and whimpered as her legs shook. "C-Can't hold it innn, Now?" She asked closing her eyes.

"Will you be a good girl for Mommy?"

"Yes, Mommy."

"Will you do as Mommy says when Mommy says to?" I asked again.

"Yesss, Mommyy."

"Cum princess, cum for Mommy.." I said quietly in her ear.

"Quiet now.." Lizzie bit her lip and released letting out a shaky moan panting heavily after she was done.

"I... Love you Mommy.." She said kissing me softly then pulled back.  That was the first time she has said that to me, a lot can happen on the first day.

"I love you, my BabyGirl.."


Hallow Hallow! Another update here cx
How was you guys day? How'd you guys like the story?

Making more chapters currently!
Don't forget To like, comment and share it with friends! Plenty more chapters where this came from!

OVER AND OUT! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoo

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