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When i heard what Elena did, I walked over to her watching how she sniffled, she knew what punishment this meant. 

"Hand it over, Now, Little girl." I demanded in my DaddyDom tone. 

She gave me the owl stuffie and I walked over to Elizabeth who was still crying. I bent down to her level and tapped her shoulder. 

"Here you go, little one... cheer up, okay?" I said flashing her a smile. 

She took it, and nodded as she stopped crying then started snuggling the stuffie. Ash mouthed a silent 'Thank You'  and I nodded as a response. I walked back to Elena nodding towards the door then started walking. 

"We'll be right back." I informed them. 

"Alright, i have to put Lizzie to bed.. seeya.

We left the room, Elena tailing behind me like a lost puppy. I found the nearest bathroom and so we walked in locking the door behind us. I sat on the toilet rolling up my sleeves slowly. 

"Over my lap now, Princess.

"Nu Daddy, I'm sowwy.." She says whimpering. 

"You know not to take other peoples things, you also know better than to say no to me, now that's 15 spanks, get over my lap before I pull off my belt." I told her. 

She started sobbing as she laid over my lap. I pulled her pants and panties down then started massaging her bum. 

"Now, why am I spanking you, Princess?

"B-Because I t-took her stuffie, a-and also said n-no to you, D-Daddy." She says quietly sobbing. 

"Good, you will be given 15 spanks, Count and say 'Thank You, Daddy'  after each one. If you forget where you left off, we will start over, understood?

"Yes, Daddy.

I continued massaging her bum then lifted my hand slowly giving a sharp spank on her left cheek making her let out a surprised yelp. 


"O-one, Thank You, Daddy." 


"Two, Thank You, Daddy.


"Three... Thank You, Daddy..." I spanked her 20% harder for the fourth one making her cry out. 

"OOww.., F-Four... Thank You, Dad-dy..

she tried to cover her bum making me click my tongue. 

"Tch, Tch, Tch, nope, not covering." She started pulled her arm, I just continued. 


She started full out crying now, the tears were staining my pants. 

"F-Five, T-Thank... You, D-Daddy...

Lizzie's POV

That bitch should've known not to take my stuffie, that's why she's getting spankies and i'm noott, haha Elena. 

Once they left, mommy picked me up and kissed my cheek. 

"You were probably thinking of using violence, and I'm happy that you didn't. I'm proud of you, Mommy's little good girlll." I giggled and wiped the lone tears off of my face. That giggle was then turned into a yawn. 

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