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Lizzie's POV

After my ''friends'' left, things have kind of settled down. The blood tests came back and they said that I was fine and maybe needed to stay for a week or two; just to make sure. Brittney came back inside with a pen and clipboard.

''Hey little one, we need to check for Amnesia.'' She said sitting down.

''What's Amnesia?'' I asked confused.

"It's the loss of memory due to brain injury and more; we need to check for that.''


''Now, basic questions. You remember your name, right?'' She asked.

''It's Elizabeth.''

''Last name?''

''Don't remember.'' I faintly stated. She wrote something down on her paper then continued.

''You remember your age? Now to remind you, its been three years.'' She reminded me.

I'm 14, right? wait no- it's been 3 years..

''I'm seventeen...?'' I said- more like asked her.

''What age do you remember being?''


Questions mostly like that were asked constantly for an hour. Until luckily after the last one she stopped.

''Do you remember anything before the incident that happened three years ago? Times with your mommy? At school?'' I looked at her confused.

Too many questions at once. which ones were I supposed to answer first?

''We can stop now, it's okay. I have enough info. I'll be right back; you can do anything but sleep at the moment.'' She said then walked out with her clipboard.

I internally sighed then laid back looking at the nurse who came in with more of this disgusting hospital food.

''You need to eat hun, i'm surprised how after three years of not physically eating; hunger isn't consuming you by now.'' She said worryingly.

''I'm not hungryyy.'' I whined/yelled.

''I'm worried about you.'' She said, then her face lit up.

''Let's make a deal.''

oh no.

''Let's see.. if you eat, i'll sneak in a snack or desert for you.''


''Huh? Sweets?''


I said immediately.

''Not until you eat though.'' I sighed dramatically and looked at the food she brought in.

It looked unappetizing ; ugh.. hospital food.

''ugh.. fine; i'll eat.'' i mummbled.

''Good!'' ( lil preppy ass lil bitch )
She beamed then happily walked out the room.

I picked up the tray and began eating the dry chicken and messed up non-cheesy mac n' cheese ( if that makes sense) then drank my juice afterwards. Brittney came back as I finished and raised an eyebrow.

''Ah, so you've finally eaten? what made you want to eat?'' And as she asked, the nurse came in with chocolate cake, I looked up at her and smiled innocently showing my gummy smile.

''Nevermind my question.'' She said sitting down.

''Okay so, the results and info.'' She sat down and looked at her clipboard.

''You're Elizabeth Davis, Seventeen. No relatives alive. No siblings. Blood Type O, used to live at 1249 Riverdale street. You answered most of the questions correctly. So they have decided that you don't have amnesia." I nodded and quietly ate my chocolate cake.




"I need to ask you a question." I nodded on for her to continue.

"Would you consider an orphanage or adoption centre?" She asked me.

I don't know... who would want to adopt a seventeen year old?

I shrugged and sunk down in the bed that I was sitting in.

"I'm sorry... for everything that's happened to you..." She said, a lone tear sliding down her cheek. I wiped it away and she just smiled.

"Tis okay." I muffled, mouth still full of cake.

"I-I don't want to be adopted though, I want my mommy..." I said my voice breaking slightly.

"I'm sorry for your loss.. once again." Brittney whispered softly towards me.

I nodded, wiping the tears that sat at the brim of my eyelids.

"Maybe.. I could help." Brittney and I both looked up at the nurse who had just snuck in some cake for me.

"Help how?" We both asked but my voice was muffled by the cake.

"Well, you know the thing you're into, right?" I nodded but Brittney seemed confused.

But how does she know though, was it that obvious?

"Brittney, that wasn't her actual mom who died, yknow that right? I've looked into her files, she's never really met her real parents before.." She said quietly feeling a bit of pity for me.

I nodded once more sadly. I wish I had met them.

"But anyways, the thing you're into, I'm kinda into it also."

"Wha- huh?" I almost spit out my cake. What does she mean by she's into it also?

Hey Guys, I know it's been like 2-3 months and I'm so sorry about that, I'm doing my best now that school is out and I was stressing with things and now that summer is here I will be trying to write and update more for you guys! So! I have chapter 21 half way done for you guys and then I'll type that one next. Please Please enjoy this one, and give feedback 🙏*^*

Don't forget tooooooo, like, comment and shares with friends! Plenty more chapters where this one came from!



- Megan

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