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(A/N : this is Emma & Amanda ((: )

(A/N : this is Emma & Amanda ((: )

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Amanda's POV (finally)

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Amanda's POV (finally)

Leading her to my bedroom, I could sense that she was nervous. I get why, but she wasn't in any trouble.

"Uhm.." She started as we walked in.

"Sit." I suggested.

Lizzie carefully sat herself down making herself comfortable.

"What is this talk about?" she asked curiously.

Sitting down next to her, I cleared my throat.

"you're not in trouble.." I saw a sigh of relief , chuckling at that I continued.

"But.. since you're here now, and we're getting everything settled, I wanted to know when you'd be comfortable talking about rules and everything."

"Now would be okay.." she replied unsurely.

"are you one hundred percent, completely sure you want to?"

"I'm sure." she replied nodding.

"okay.. I don't expect you to follow all of them now, but I want you to at least know them." I pulled out a piece of paper and a few glitter pens.

"I want you to write down each rule, can you do that for me?" She nodded picking up one of the pens cautiously.

"Okay, rule number one. We have to use our manners. Yes mommy/ma'am, No mommy/ma'am and please are our very polite words." I told her watching her concentrate on writing.

I smiled a bit then cleared my throat for the second one.

"Number two. Bedtime is at 10:30pm on weekdays and 11:50pm on weekends unless said otherwise."

She pouted at the second rule but continued writing.

"Why the pout?" I asked lifting her chin up.

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