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Lizzie's POV

"Mommy, Mommy, are we there yet?" I asked impatiently.

"Not yet, honey.." Mommy said once again just like when I asked 50 million hours ago.

Really 30 minutes but still.. We're going to a place called "Izzy's Ice Cream Parlor" and Mommy told me they have Cotton candy IceCream! Also molten lava cakes, I wanna try one.


"We're here, BabyGirl, don't worry."

I cheered and looked out the window. It was huge! It looked really fancy for an IceCreM Parlor. Mommy stopped the car and got out coming over to my side helping me out and held my hand. I pouted slightly then stuck my thumb in my mouth.

I really wanted to be picked up by mommy... Thinking about the guy at the register made me furious so I accidentally growled then stopped quickly.

"What was that?" Mommy asked closing and locking the doors.

"N-Nothing, Mommy. Let's go." I said quietly.

We walked in and I've never seen this much Ice cream in one building. My mouth hung open, I swear I'm dreaming.

"Mommy... Ice cream, heaven.." I said in awe.

"C'mon baby, let's go get in line." Mommy said pulling me to the long line.

"This line is way too long Mommyy!" I said whining.

"Patience BabyGirl."

"It's too long, mommmyy." I said, stomping my feet.

She bent down to my height and whispered in my ear.

"Little girl, I will go take your stuffies back if you don't behave. Do you understand me?"

"Nu, Nu, Mommy.."

"Then. Behave." she said sternly.

"Yes, Mommy." I said sniffling.

I held her hand then put my thumb back in my mouth sucking on it as I sniffled. A girl in front of us turned around and looked at us.

"Awe! She's so cute!" She exclaimed.

Who? Me? I blushed deeply.

"Thank you, I know right, she's just the cutest!" Mommy said poking my cheek.

I giggled a bit and hid behind mommy.

"What do you say honey?"

"Th-Thank you.." I said quietly as the woman smiled.

"You're welcome, Sweetheart." She then turned around as it was her turn to order her ice cream.

Ashley's POV

Once the lady was done, it was our turn.

"One medium cookies n' cream cup, what do you want honey?" I asked her.

"Cotton candy!" She exclaimed.

"And one cotton candy, two scoops, on a medium waffle cone." I added.

"Will that be all for you, ma'am?" The lady asked.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Your total will be $10.50."

I handed her the money and she handed me a slip with the number 27 on it.

"It'll be with you shortly." She informed me with a smile. I nodded smiling back.

"Thank you, let's go sit down Hun." I walked with her to a table and sat down, she sat on my lap and waited patiently as numbers were being called.

"Mommy, when's our number gonna be called?" She asked impatiently.

"In a minute, BabyGirl." A minute goes by.

"Twenty-Seven!" The lady called.

Lizzie jumped up excitedly and waited until I got up and walked over to get the ice cream.

"Enjoy .~" She said smiling.

"Thank you." We both said.

We walked out eating our ice cream and unlocked the doors.

"Let me hold your ice cream cone as you get in, kitten." She handed it to me and hopped in putting on her seatbelt then made grabby hands towards the ice cream.

"GoodGirl.." I gave her her cone and slid into the front seat


then clicked on my seatbelt. "Do not spill it, BabyGirl."

"Otay, Mommy.." I finished my cup of ice cream, plugged up my phone and started on our way back home.


Hallow Hallow! A short update here. I wanted to not keep you guys waiting so long for another chapter, but I am currently writing another one right now, chapter 10. I am so happy that a lot of people gave this book a chance, even though I made this book when I was bored. But I saw how many people loved it, and I just didn't want to stop anymore. Thank you guys for reading and commenting, it's made me so very happy to come back from school and see a lot of people voting and commenting, the comments are so funny. Thank you, I love you guys so much.

Don't forget to like, comment and shares with friends. Plenty more chapters where this one came from!


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