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(A/N: This may be a boring and short chapter and I am Terribly sorry ;-; )

Lizzie's POV

The movie finally ended and I could hear mommy and that dood in the dining room talking. I wonder what they're in there talking about.. oh well, I'm hungry. I lazily slid off the bed with my blankie and slithered my way to the dining room door opening it.

"I was youn-"

"MOMMY!" I yelled.

"Yes baby?"

"Hungry.." I said quietly as I went to her.

"Me too, I think we talked enough today." She said giving him a warning glare which made him sigh and stand up.

"Don't come back." Mommy said with a smile.

He looked hurt. I felt bad.

He grabbed his things and said nothing as he left quietly closing the front door.

"Who was that?"

"Nobody, don't worry about it honey, David just needs to go back to where he came from." She told me.

So David is his name.. not "Daddy" I thought.

Mommy picked me up and carried me to the kitchen.

"What does my little burrito want to eat, hm?" She said while pinching my cheek gently. She said it with a smile but I can tell that she's in pain. What was wrong?

I looked at the clock that was on the microwave and noticed that it said 7:30PM, so it was getting late. Guess we're not going to the Candy Factory today.

"Can I has ice cream?"

"Food BabyGirl."

"But it is food mommy."

"It is not."

"Uh-Huh, if I can eat it its food, Hmph." I told her.

She looked back at me from the fridge and raised her eyebrow. "Someone thinks their so smart." She says chuckling a bit.

"That's cause I am." I mumbled.

"How about you pick before I pick something."

"Pizza!" I immediately said.

"Good choice."

Mommy pulled out her phone and quickly called the place ordering a medium pepperoni pizza and hung up the phone.

"I's still going to work with you tomorrow mommy?"

"Yes, honey."

"What am I going to wear?"

"You can wear anything, you're going to be with me. I'm the one who has to be in uniform." She told me.

I get to wear anything?! I'm so happy!

The bell rang and I quickly unwrapped myself from the blanket running to the door.

"Pizza, Pizza, Pizza!" I chanted.

Opening the door I looked up at the person who had the pizza with them.

"Pizza! Pizza!" I said making grabby hands at the pizza. They chuckled and handed me the pizza box.

"Careful, its hot."

"Thank you.~ Mommy, pizza here!" I yelled.

She came with her wallet and pulled out a ten dollar bill even though it was only Five dollars.

Mommy's Lost Kitten ☆Mdlg☆Where stories live. Discover now