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Lizzie's POV

I laid down on Mommy's lap sniffling a bit.

"Yes Princess?"

"What'd you do to Emily?" I asked quietly referring to the screaming and crying I heard when they were in the basement.

"I gave her what she deserved." She said proudly as she ran her fingers through my hair. 

"What did she deserve?"

"To receive pain." She said calmly.

"How she hurt you, I hurt her, but it was way worse." She said smiling.

I sat up feeling my cheek wincing a bit. "Why did she do this mommy?" I asked quietly as tears slowly ran down my face.

"I-It hurts.." I said feeling my cheek.

"I know baby.. I'm sorry.."Mommy said frowning a bit.

"Why don't you come to work with me tomorrow?" She asked me with a hint of guilt in her eyes.

I nodded quickly and slowly rubbed my face. Mommy grabbed the ointment gently applying some to my cheek. I sighed quietly feeling the soothing touch and the pain start to fade away.

"Thank you mommy.." I said wiping my tears.

"You're welcome baby... I'm so sorry." She said once again.

I nodded a bit and laid on mommy's lap gently. I never want to be apart from mommy ever again. I do not trust anyone but mommy. Mommy is my everything. Mommy is my life, I would not have a nice home to finally call mine also, without mommy.

I owe mommy my life, I love her so much.

Ashley's POV

I shouldn't have left her alone with my BabyGirl, what the fuck was I thinking. I should've killed her when I had the chance to, when she was here.

I carefully stood up, watching Lizzie slid off. I went to the bathroom grabbing the first aid kit taking out the wrapping bandage.

"I dun think I need that.." I heard her mumble.

"Shush hun, it'll help." I said quietly.

"Otay.." she said sounding a bit unsure.

I moved her hand and wrapped the bandage carefully around her neck after Putting on ointment. I heard her sigh quietly noting that it feels better and chuckles a bit.

"Told you so." I said sticking out my tongue a bit.

She smiled at me. "How long do hickeys last?" She asked curiously.

"Yours? A few days..." I said trailing off.

"So, a few days to a week?"

"Pretty much." I replied.

She sunk back into the couch huffing quietly. "This sucks.." she muttered.

I can't help but to feel guilty. I'd do anything to make it up to my princess. I came back home super early because it was the last straw, I couldn't take it. So I said that there was an emergency. Now, I can spend all day with my babygirl.

I looked at the clock on my phone and saw that it was Two in the afternoon. I looked down at her ruffling her hair. "Where do you want to go today, pumpkin?" I asked her seeing her eyes light up.

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