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Ashley's POV

We've made it to the zoo. The flashbacks come rolling in, UHM, can you not? I found somewhere to park and just sat there quietly listening to the soft alternative music that was playing.

"Are you otay, Mommy?" Lizzie asked.

"I'm fine, baby. Don't worry about Mommy." I said quietly.

Lizzie sat back and looked out the window impatiently.

"Otay, Mommy."

I figured that I shouldn't keep her waiting and turned the car off then opened the door.

"Yay Yay, the zoo!" Lizzie exclaimed as I unbuckled her and Picked her up.

"Baby, when we go in, which animal do you want to see first?"
I asked her.


"OOO, Pandas are so cute!" I said happily.

I put her down and held her hand watching her make grabby hands towards me wanting me to pick her back up.

"No baby, walk with me."

"Mommyy..." She said starting to whine.

"Little girl, do you want a spanking before we go in?"

I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Nu Mommy, Nu spankies." She replied, giving me her best puppy eyes and pouty lip.

"Good girl, let's go." I held her hand again and walked as she started sucking her thumb, she's so cute. We bought our tickets and grabbed a map.

"Pandas, mama!" Lizzie said pointing on the map.

"Okay BabyGirl, let's try to find the pandas." We walked around for about five minutes until we finally found some pandas munching on some bamboo. Lizzie squealed and ran up to the gate.


( A/N Panda, Panda, Panda, HE HAS BROADS IN ATLANTA ((; )

She says getting way too close to the gate.

"Elizabeth! Come here, right now." I said sternly.

She skipped over to me and looked up at me innocently.

"Yes, Mommy?"

"You hold my hand. AT ALL TIMES, you don't ever let go and run off like that. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mommy.." She said holding my hand. I lifted our hands and kissed her hand softly.

"Do you wanna feed them?"

"OOO! Can I, can I?!"

I chuckled and nodded.

"Of course, honey!"

Lizzie POV

I get to feed the pandas! I love pandas just as much as i love owls. Mommy gave me a piece of bamboo making me giggle as I saw a panda crawl towards me tilting their head to the side. I held the bamboo up to it and the panda gently took it from my hand and started chewing on it.

"Hehe, you cutie..." I said winking playfully at the panda.


"Yes Mommy?"

"The map says that there are owls just right around the corner."


"Wanna g-"

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