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Lizzie' POV

Dr.Geimi finally finished with his blood tests then went back to take a look at them. Apparently my blood type is O, who would've known. Brittney sat next to me the whole time holding my hand, she's really kind.

They brought me ramen noodles, a banana and some orange juice afterwards but my appetite wasn't quite here with me. I pushed the food away and laid down crossing my arms.

"What's wrong, not hungry?" Ash- Brittney asked me.

I shook my head.

"You have to eat, he took a lot of blood after all." She said to me.

I just shrugged my shoulders. She looked down at me with a kinda sad expression.

"You want to talk about it? What happened in the coma?"

Should I tell her?

Would she think I'm weird?

"You promise not to say it's weird?"

"Promise, now go ahead."

I inhaled for a minute then exhaled.


she motioned for me to continue.

"I met... this women.. who looked exactly like you and she took me in and cared for me in the best ways, we went to fun places and everything; y'know... and Dr.Geimi was there also, but that wasn't his name, it was David and her name was Ashley, and David was actually Ashley's enemy or person that she despised. But then this happens and I find out that it all wasn't real.."

Lone tears ran down my cheeks.

"I don't know what to do now.." she pulled me in for a warm hug.

"It'll be okay, I promise.."


Don't make promises you can't keep.

Dr. Geimi came back and looked curious.

"Aren't you going to eat?" He asked me. I shrugged and continued hugging her.

"She's having a hard time with taking in everything at once, maybe just wait until she's settled or until her appetite comes back?" Brittney said rubbing the back of my head.

She's caring and sweet, just like mommy. Dr.Geimi sighed quietly looking at his clipboard.

"We've prescribed some medications for you, for emergency things like massive headaches, seizures, and also some for anxiety attacks or nervous breakdowns." He explained , it's been a long time since I've experienced an anxiety attack.

It was one of the most scariest feelings. There was then a knock at the door which startled me.

"You have visitors." Brittney notified me.

In came three people. Two girls and a guy. I didn't recognize the girls but the guy looked exactly like Alex..

"A-Alex?" I said confused then made grabby hands towards him.

All of my friends knew about my little space, so this was normal to them... well.. I guess three years ago.

"Whose Alex?" he asked curiously.

That did not sounds like Alex. I stopped then looked up at him as he made his way over. Oh, that's right, he's not Alex.

Alex wasn't real either.

Never existed.

He pulled me into a hug, but I didn't hug back. I don't know this person , why would I?

"We missed you! We thought you would never wake up.." he said now pulling back.

I looked up at him to see that he had tears in his eyes. I meant that much to him?

The other two girls cautiously made their way to me. Trying to hide their tears, but I saw right through them.

"I-It's.. okay to cry sometimes, right?" I asked, feeling the tears that I've been holding back. The girls nodded slowly letting their tears fall down slowly.

When seeing them cry, I instantly followed. I was so confused. All these worrisome thoughts ran through my mind and I couldn't stop them.

They both hugged me at the same time which made me feel somewhat loved. If I made an impact in these three lives' , who else were my friends?

Were they as worried as these three?

Did I even have anymore friends?

Any family/Relatives?

I hugged the girls tightly as if they were the only people I had left in my life. I didn't want to let go.

What if they left me also?


Hallow Hallow another chapter!! Kinda short chapter, sorreh 😭 but Hope you guys like it! I love you guys so much, Next chapter is currently being written, sorry for waiting so long in between chapters to update, I've kinda been REALLLLYYY busy, I love you guys 💖 Enjoy the chapterrr *^** it isn't quite over yet so, please please please pleaseeeeeeee,  be patient. 💖❤️️ it shall have a happy ending

Don't forget tooooooo, like, comment and shares with friends! Plenty more chapters where this one came from!



- Megan

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