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(Hallow Hallow you guys, it's been a LOOONG while since I've updated. Lemme tell you, since I've been back on here I've gotten some amazing ideas and I intend to act upon them. But until then, enjoy this chapter ;) ily)

Amanda's POV -March 10, 2016  6:00AM-

The alarm for 6AM went off on my IPhone 6s Plus which woke me up. I really wasn't in the mood for work, but laziness doesn't pay our bills around here.

Lizzie was sound asleep beside me, I hate to have to wake her up. She looked so peaceful sleeping, interrupting her made me feel bad. She needs all the rest she can get.

Sitting up carefully, I gently began shaking her.

"Lizzie.. wakey, wakey.." Earning a few groans from her, I tried again.

"Sweetheart, we gotta wake up, dontcha wanna go to work with me?" I asked her.

"mm.. do I have to go?"

(A/N : Me with school I stg)

"well, are you sure you can stay home by yourself?" She groaned once again.

"mhm, I'm taking that as a no." I replied chuckling.

She sat up rubbing her eyes giving me a tired look.

"We gotta wash up, what do you wanna wear today?" I asked watching her shrug.

"You want me to choose for you?" she nodded with a small smile.

"Okay, I'll be back.. stay here and wait for me, okay?"

Lizzie took that as a chance to lay back down. Good thing we don't have to leave until 8, or we'd be extremely late.

Walking into Emma's room I noticed how she was already dressed in her nurse uniform. She was on her tippie toes struggling to reach something, of course I'd help.

"Gmorning pumpkin, you need help?"

"Good morning mommy, would you pleaseee get my nurse cap?" She asked continuing to struggle.

It was really cute.

"Of course I will BabyGirl." Emma stepped to the side watching me reach up onto the shelf handing her the nurse cap.

"Thank you mommyy."

"You're welcome baby, how'd it even get up there?"

"I dunno..."

"Princess.." I warned crossing my arms.

"Don't lie to me."

"Okay, okay, okayy.. I might've threw it up there." I sighed a bit.

"Baby, I don't have time to punish you before work, you know there's no throwing anything indoors, I have to get Elizabeth ready." I noted.

"I'm sorryy..." she pleaded.

It never works but she still does it.

"I know you are, which is why you're going to write lines when we get back home." She groaned then marched herself  down the hall into the kitchen area.

"I'll be there in a minute to make breakfast."

Walking to the dresser that I assumed Lizzie's clothes were in, I pulled open a drawer grabbing underwear and a bra.

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