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Lizzie's POV

A lady came in. She was cute and was dressed in business clothes. She was about 5' 8 with heels on and maybe 5' 7 without heels on, probably like 5 inches taller than me.

She had long wavy brown hair with light highlights, didn't wear make up which she didn't need because her natural look was fantabulously beautiful.

"Mommyy!" Emma squealed throwing herself onto her mommy.

"Oh, sweetheart. I see you everyday. I love you so much pumpkin." She said catching her in her arms. They looked so happy

"I know mommy but I missed you so much even soo." Emma giggled in return.

"Awe.. and whose this little one?" Her mommy asked.

"That's Elizabeth, AKA, Lizzie."

"Awh, nice to meet you. I'm Amanda, I'm 23." She said calmly.

"Nice... to me-meet you too." I said quietly.

"How are you, hun?"

"I'm okay.." I shyly replied. Emma suddenly gasped which scared me.

"Mommy, Mommy! Can we please take in Elizabeth?"

"Wait, wait honey, are you willing to share with her? You know how you are.."

"Yes, I'll share with her I promisee."

"Even your toys?"

"Yes, even my toyss."

"Even mommy?"

There was silence.

"I-Its okay.." I said starting to break the silence.

"Nooo, of course I'll share mommy."

"But what is she going to do when we're both at work." Ms.Amanda asked Emma.

"Oooo... I didn't think about dat."

"Couldn't I go with one of you?" I asked curiously.

"Ohh, good thinking, you can come with me." Ms.Amanda said.

"Sure.." I said probably regretting my decision.

"So it's decided then, you're coming with us?" They asked me.

"Well, I would like to get to know you guys more.. but sure." I told them shrugging my shoulders.

"Yayy!" Emma squealed.

"Well, okay. we're going to have to buy you new everything today, so we can go to the mall when you get out." She explained to me.

I nodded a bit.

"Emma, go get the doctor so we can get her out of here."

"Kay mommy, I be back." She quickly walked out causing Ms.Amanda to sit next to me in a chair.

"So, how're you feeling, Lizzie?" She asked me.

"I'm okay, I'm happy to be getting out though." I said with a slight smile.

"That's good, I would also like to get to know you better. That would be okay, right?"


"What's your favourite colour?"

"Uh.. Blue."

"Favourite thing to do?"

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