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Lizzie's POV

yknow sometimes I absolutely feel like I'm in the way here. Them having to change the way they operate here just so I can feel comfortable in their own home. Do i deserve this? Do I deserve these nice people taking me in as their own? There has to be a reason for everything that has been happening... there has to be..

Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I stood up stretching listening to some of my stiff bones crack. When Ms.Amanda left I kind of got distracted by my own thoughts, but it be like that sometimes- I guess.

I walked out of the room and looked at Emma's door. I wonder how she's doing. I went over and knocked awaiting her response

'Come in!'
I heard and quietly opened the door poking my head inside.

"Hello.." I said quietly.

"Oh hey Lizzie." She put down what she was doing and looked at me.


I didn't really want anything, I just didn't want to be alone in the room.

"What's wrong?" I shook my head

"Nothing really.. uhm.. color?" I asked quietly.

"Oh, sure I'll color with you Lizzie!" I smiled a bit then went back into Ms.Amanda's room to grab my things. My pictures of hello kitty slipped out of my book, I kinda forgot about it but Ms. Amanda said we could put it on the fridge.


"Yes?!" I heard faintly from the kitchen. I went into the kitchen following her voice and held up the colouring page.

"Oh hun! That's very beautiful! You can use the magnet on the fridge to put it up there. Go ahead go ahead"

I smiled proudly and used my tippy toes to reach the magnets then stuck it on the door.

"Thank you..." I said quietly then hopped off to Emma's room.

"y'know your cheeks and ears are red?" She teased which made me even more embarrassed.

"N-No they're not!"

"They totally are!"

"N-Nuh-uh. They aren't!" I said covering my face with my long black hair. "I most certainly am not red red you cannot prove it"

"Literally! You are the evidence yourself!" Emma exclaimed.

Ms.Amanda opened the door with concern on her face. "What's with the commotion? What's wrong?"

"Elizabeth is blushing!" Emma pointed out once again. I just stayed quiet. I was indeed blushing, Ms.Amanda just makes me flustered is all- She's just really pretty, wait what I-

Ms. Amanda raised an eyebrow at me then smirked.

"Oh really.. someone looks like a lil cherry!" She exclaimed pinching my cheeks gently.

"Embarrassing!!" I whined as she pinched.

"Awwwee, What's causing you to blush hun?" Ms. Amanda asked which made me even more red.

"U-uhm.. ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ..." I spoke quietly.

"Lizziee.. louder please.."

"You're really pretty!" I kind of yelled while covering my face with my hands.

"Awee, thank you honey bun." She said starting to hug me. I, of course, hugged back, it was always so comforting and warm whenever she hugged me.

"u-uhm.. is food done?" I asked quietly during the hug. I was more embarrassed than anything. I wanted to change the subject quickly.

Ms. Amanda chuckled,"Yes my little babies, the food is ready."

"Yay food!" Emma exclaimed and ran out leaving just me and Ms. Amanda in the room.

"So, I'm pretty, hm?" She chuckled once again.

"u-uhm, yes." I spoke shyly.

"You're also pretty sweetheart."

I nervously chuckled, not as pretty as she was that's for sure, I mean-

"T-Thank you.. uhm.. we should go eat now."

"sure, sure, we can go eat." I took that as a chance to get out of her embrace and we both made our way into the kitchen.

"How many would you guys like to have?"

"5... and a little bit of fries..." I replied.

"Mommy, I want 7 and some fries please." Emma said already sitting at the table.

"Are you two going to eat all of it?"

"Yes Ms. Amanda. Yes Mommy!" Me and Emma both said at the same time.

"Okay.. Emma do you have work tomorrow?"

"No but im on call so if a nurse needs help I have to go.."

"Okay hmm.. it's 10 PM, do you two want to stay up? Movies?"

"Yes!" We both said

Ms. Amanda chuckled then gestured for us to come to the living room with our food.

"What movie?"

"uhm.. inside out?" Emma suggested.

"Inside out?"

"It's a movie that came out last year, it's really good." Emma explained. I nodded and let them set it up. Today has been quite a long day. Really long, I've wanted to sleep ever since we left today.

Emma slid the movie in then sat on the couch snuggling with Ms.Amanda. They look so happy.

They were really nice to take me in, maybe it's time that I started including myself.

I went over to the couch with my food and also sat beside Ms.Amanda resting my head onto her shoulder.

This... feels nice.

Ms.Amanda wrapped an arm around me pulling me in closer.

"It's about to start." She said quietly.

We all sat quietly as it started, soon resulting in all three of us passing out on the couch.

I think.. I'm gonna like it here.


Hello hello Megan hereeee, I hope you guys liked this chapter. I know it's been a few years and hear me out. I was having writers block for so long that I low-key gave up on this story. But I'm back and I'm going to re-read to familiarise myself with my characters again so that I can finish this book. I'm going to need some time so another chapter won't be out immediately, please be patient with me❤️

pleaseee like and comment. I try to reply to alllll of them as soon as I get them. Please share with your friends ( probably not your family ) , your pets, potatoes, Aliens, ETC.

Plenty more chapters where this one came from!



- Megan

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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