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Lizzie's POV

I woke up groaning quietly starting to stretch and looked up at the ceiling for a good solid ten minutes. Wondering whether to slip back into little space or to stay in big space and get up to explore this huge place that I'll be staying at.

"Mommy!" I finally cried, deciding to slip into little space. I climbed out of bed and walked downstairs cautiously.

"How was your nap, Pumpkin?" Mommy asked opening the microwave.

"It was otay.." I said sleepily.

"Ready to eat?"

"Yes Mommy, I's Weallie hungwy.." I mumbled rubbing my tummy. Mommy put me in the highchair and grabbed a plate of Chicken tenders, mac n' cheese and veggies putting it in front of me.

"Thank You, Mommy.~"

"You're welcome sweetheart, eat up." I ate everything but the veggies and pushed my plate away.

"All done.." I said with an innocent smile.

"Little girl, why are there still veggies on your plate?"

"Veggies yucky!" I complained sticking my tongue out.

"Eat them or no desert." She told me sternly.

I pouted holding my nose and quickly ate the veggies gulping them down shaking my head in disgust.

"Okay, gonna totally barf now." Mommy flashed a smile at me and ruffled my hair

"good girl.."

She placed the plate in the sink, went in the freezer and took out the cotton candy ice cream placing it in a bowl.

"Ice Cream!" I cheered with my hands up in the air. She placed it in front of me and I impatiently dug in with my hands starting to get it everywhere.

"Ah, Ah, Ah, Use the spoon Babygirl." She said cleaning my hands then giving me a spoon. I threw the spoon on the floor and crossed my arms.

"I no want to use spoon, use my hands!" I started doing it again.

"Don't make me repeat myself, Do it now." Mommy said sternly making me stop. I felt something wet and instantly felt embarrassed causing my cheeks to turn a shade of red.

"Y-Yes, Mommy.." I said picking up the spoon.

"Thank You, Princess." She says kissing my forehead. I finished up minutes later and pushed the bowl. Mommy came over with a wipe, cleaned me up then unhooked the highchair picking me up and putting me on her hip.

"What do you want to do, Kitten?" She asked bouncing me lightly. I've never really been anywhere since my other Mommy, died, I wanted to go any and everywhere.

"Everywhere!" I exclaimed throwing my hands up with excitement.

"Everywhere like where?" She said curiously. I shrugged.

"How about the Mall? You really don't have that much clothes, Y'know.." She informed. Yay the mall! I nodded frantically.

She chuckled. "I'll take that as a yes then! C'mon, let's go." Mommy said, but wait! I can't go without my stuffie! I started wiggling and squirming attempting to get out of her hold.

"Tell Mommy what you want, use your big girl words." She said with a bewildered expression.

"S-Stuffie... I n-need stuffie..." I stuttered.

"Oh BabyGirl, why didn't you just tell me that? Go ahead and get a very soft one, it's going to be a veryyyy Longg ride."

I hopped down and ran to my room grabbing my fluffy stuffed owl, or as it's called, "The arctic Owl." Or "The great white Owl." It had fluffy white fur and crystal blue eyes. I put my long jet-black hair in pigtails and ran back downstairs to Mommy who was waiting for me by the door.

"Ready to go? Ooo Pigtails, you look beautiful, Princess." She complimented making my cheeks flush as she picked me up placing me back on her hip.

I snuggled my owl stuffie tightly cooperating as Mommy buckled me in a car seat. She climbed in the front seat, turned the car on then backed out of the driveway beginning to drive to our destination.

"How's that owl stuffie doin' for yah, Banygirl?" She asked, eyeing me through the front mirror.

"It's so soft.." I told her cuddling my owl once again, I have yet to name my stuffy, what should I name him? Dr.Who?

That would be funny since he has this one glass lens up to his eye and it makes him look like a doctor.

"What's his name?" She asked with a smile.

"Dr.Who.." I replied giggling. Mommy giggled and smiled.

"I hope me and Dr.Who get along well then." She says.

"You will, Mommy. He loves you already!"

"I'm glad!" She says flashing a toothy grin then pays attention to the road.

I can't wait till we get there!


Hallow Hallow! Another update! I really appreciate the views and votes c:
I don't really know where I'm going with this story.. Could some of you guys give me ideas?


I stayed up till 6:52Am
NOW, updating this. You guys are welcomed . Love you guys so much c: make sure to check out my other books also ((((;;

Enjoy the chapter! Don't forget To like, comment and shares with friends! Plenty more chapters where this came from cx

OVER AND OUT xoxoxoxoxo

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