Chapter XVIII

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Chapter XVIII: Dear ego, you may rest in peace now.


"Victor, did you summon me?"

He glanced up once I closed the door behind me and walked to one of his armchairs. A pile of files was all on the wooden table, in fact Vicky looked tired.

"Yes. I need you to help me with some documents. You can write and print them by my office."


When I was about to turn around and head to the door, I heard his voice again.

"I know you kissed Kyan. I heard a rumor about some dick deep into your... intimate part. I just guessed because damn, your body smelt like him. And you going to Nona's house didn't help that much."

Letting out a frustrate groan, I passed a hand through my red African braids. Shit! If he knew probably all the house would have knew by now.

"It's none of your business what I do in my free time, so fuck off."

Bastard! He wanted me to confess I did it! But still, it was useless say otherwise. He was more intelligent that it seemed. 

"He's not my mate, and I hated every moment of it."

Turning my back to him I reached the door. When I was about to step outside his manly laugh filled the office.

"Such a liar you are, Andy!"

Shocked I faced him again, what was he referring about? I was a bit apprehensive to this topic by now. When he stopped, he explained himself.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I knew before you, he was your mate. C'mon, think of it piccola! When you fainted after your fight with the five Alphas, there was no need to ask him anything. The moment he saw you on the floor he ran towards your body and took you to Laura. I understood the moment when he didn't want to leave you alone with her and growled at everybody who came near you."

I couldn't believe what Vic was telling me, in some way it made me happy but in another I was furious, then again. Why? I didn't understand.

"He kept an eye on you every minute and hour he was here, as he didn't want to go back to his pack Logan prolonged their visit one more day. The way he looked at you, it was so intense, he was mesmerized, lost in your features. Before they go, I spoke to him and he told me the truth. I'm the only one who knows, Charlie and the others think he behaved in that way because you reminded him about his sister. So, make me the fucking favour to at least thank him, because he was so damn worried... He almost didn't eat or sleep, so the first thing I did when you woke up was call him, because I think he deserved it. Now, you're an intelligent woman. Don't you think he deserves a bit of gratitude or at least a pat on his shoulder?"

He was so damn right, yet my ego wouldn't let me. Probably Nona had a point when she said I was afraid, but a big part of me wanted to run away from my problems. Probably, I didn't have a choice anymore.

"Ci penserò."
(I'll think about it.)

With that I left the room. Actually I had a lot of problems, not only I had one of the most important tests of my university degree but also my demons, Kyan, the Mutilators, organize Carnival... Yeah, it was just fucking perfect. February was one of the months I hated the most, because the second weekend the kids went to the 'White week' so it was the Alpha's duty to control everything and be sure it was safe. The third week was hell, because who was studying at the university had the most important exams of all the year, but in the weekend we celebrated Carnival, so more or less it was balanced but then again it was Vic's work to organize everything. But as a good second Alpha I was, I helped him with everything.

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