Chapter XXI

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CHAPTER XXI: Good luck... with the surprises


I was so fucking screwed up, damn exams! I mean, I was studying and preparing the test since August, but still... If I wanted the highest grade I had to study like a crazy. I had less than twenty-four hours, and I was planning to use them in the best way possible.

Since I met Kyan in the hallway and slammed the door shut on his face for the second time in a row, I was grounded inside my room. The only visit I had was when someone brought me breakfast, lunch or dinner. They knew how important was for me the university so they didn't mind on doing me this favor. One day Kyan was who carried the tray of food, I was a bit shocked since it always were my clan mates. We didn't speak though, he just smiled at me and gave me a peace of paper. He did it on purpose because he knew I couldn't stop, even to speak, so opening it I read the note.

I hope you're still not angry at me,
if you're, I'm really sorry.
We will talk when you're free again.


It was very nice for him, at least he understood that now I didn't have my head where it should be, and sure it made me grin like an idiot.

It was so much! Since August I studied three full books of Quantum Physics, two basic Physics books and more than one hundred class notes. Yeah, I was crazy to study that subject but I liked it, actually a lot.

Sighing, I dropped the documents I wrote next to me only for a moment, so I took the opportunity to relax on my bed. My thoughts went to Alex, my horse. Now you will understand everything, just let me explain it.

Most of the packs worked for others in exchange of money or something they were interested about, like witches, a territory, a book of magic... The members who belonged to a 'family' could accept, or not, tasks they were asked to do, but most of the money came from big works of other clans and individual money from single jobs. It was a system to sustain your pack and have a salary.

Victor had the idea to start a 'family business' building a barn and buying few horses. I liked riding horses since I was very young so I would have the opportunity to work with them. Vic told me if it hadn't worked he would have sold everything, so before one or two years the Mutilators took me, I went to Netherlands a whole year and attended school in there, to learn properly one of my future jobs. The owner was German and he taught me a lot of things, from ride horses to take care of a barn economically.

When I came back we started working on our new project, we had a little hope but it was enough to make it to flourish and made it work. Months later, when I was already in the country my actual trainer contacted me and that was how everything started. We rode and sold horses, we made a lot of money and it actually helped to build Livoti and the other clan houses. Now we were considered one of the most prestigious and famous barns in the US and I wasn't planning to quit for three simple reasons: we made a lot of money with them, I really loved to ride and it taught me to have more control of my demons since I had to be extremely relaxed.

Thinking about that, it reminded me I had to call my trainer to ask how my horses were working, and obviously if my beautiful and gorgeous little bastard behaved. Well like his owner, how not...

I didn't want to stress myself so I decided to take a bath. When I stepped inside my bathroom I looked at myself for a moment on the mirror, and it was when I groaned and cursed loudly. Fuck! I forgot that I couldn't do the exam with my piercings and my red African braids. Well, it seemed time to cut them.

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