Chapter 8- The Dream

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          Amber’s eyes shoot open. She sits up. She isn’t on her bed, or in her room, or anywhere she knows of. Her surroundings are dark and empty, with nothing in sight.

          She scurries onto her feet, her body shaking. She moves her hair to hand around her shoulders to prevent from freezing. “H-hello?” she stutters.

           She begins to walk around a little, studying her surroundings. But there is really nothing to study, its dark and empty. It’s like a room full of nothing.

          Something then catches Amber’s eye. Amber looks ahead of her and sees a bright shining light in the distance. Unable to prevent her feet from moving, she runs over to it without thinking if it can be some kind of trap.

          She trips over something hard and falls face first flat on the cold stony ground. “Ow…” she mutters looking up. She puts her hand on her nose. No blood, that’s good.

          She sits up and looks at what had tripped her. Staring at the figure in the dim light from the distance, she gasps and backs up. Trebling in fear, she screams.

          Right there in front of her is a skeleton with rotten flesh and dried blood in it.

          Looking around, she spots more and more of the skeletons.

         Amber screams again at the top of her lungs terrified. Will I die here, is this actually not a dream…? Amber thinks and begins to breathe hard, panting and panicking in fear. She looks at the skeletons again and starts waving her hands in front of her face. “Ew, ew, ew!” Amber screeches.

          She closes her eyes tightly and screams a third time. Her screams die down as her lungs grow weak and horse.

          Opening her eyes, Amber looks at the Skeletons again. They’re gone. Was it just a hallucination…? Amber shakes her head and looks over at the light again.

          She gets up on her feet, which are now unstable and numb. She begins to walk towards the light, wobbling most of the time and trying to regain her balance. As she begins to feel her feet again, she starts to run. Now running as fast as she can, the light turns out.

          Amber stops on her heels. She looks around seeing nothing but darkness. Everything is black and quiet. No sound is made.

          Giving up, Amber falls down on her knees and lets out a moan of dismay. “I want to get out of here!” she yells and bangs her fists onto the ground. “Get me out! Get me out!” she screams.

          Suddenly, she hears a noise, type of noise that you hear at a construction site. Lights turn on and a screen moves up from the floor.

          Amber looks around. The room is now large and white, everything is white. It is also warm and Amber begins to feel comfortable, but not too comfortable. She is still mentally on the lookout for any more traps.

          A chair then comes up from below Amber and forces her to sit on it. Several ropes escape the ground and tie Amber to the chair, preventing her from escaping. Instantly she begins to feel uncomfortable. I knew this was another trap. She thinks to herself.

          “Ah, Amber Lily Peterson, so you were the one my daughter selected to bring to me.” A male voice says. A man fades up on screen. Amber studies him; he has light brown hair and dark blue eyes. He doesn’t look evil, but stern and serious.

           "What do you want with me?" Amber shouts. This dream or whatever it is, is feeling more real by the minute.

          "I am here to tell you something, something that is very important that you must not tell anyone, besides Violet, Red and Blue." The strange man says glaring down at Amber, his face looking even more serious than when she first saw him just moments ago.

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