Chapter 25- The New Kid

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          Blue rushes into class as the bell rings, hoping that she won’t be counted late. As she runs through the door and into class, she bumps into a young boy she hasn’t seen before. He must be new. She thinks.

          “Oi, watch it, ya wee eejit!” He says turning around to face her. He has light gray eyes and dark brown hair. His voice also sounds a little different, English maybe or something else.

          “I’m sorry.” Blue says and backs up a bit. “I didn’t mean to bump into you,” she says. What the heck does eejit mean? And what is he even saying? Blue thinks to herself. He also talks funny.

          “Aye, I thought so. It's my first day here, dinnae cause me any trouble.” He grunts and folds his arms.

          “I said I’m sorry.” Blue snaps back. What is he even saying? Blue thinks. I can't understand one thing he is saying!

          “Oh shut up kid. Blue didn’t mean it, just leave her alone.” Violet says walking up behind Blue. Blue turns to look at Violet and smiles. Violet smiles back and Blue looks at the kid again.

          “Right then...Who are you?” He asks leaning his arm on the wall smiling.

          “You disgust me.” Violet says. “Come on Blue, let’s sit down.”

          Blue nods and walks over to her desk and sits with the others, leaving the kid behind. She looks at him one last time and he gets off the wall and folds his arms again.

          “Do you know who that kid is?” Blue asks.

          Violet shakes her head. “Never seen him before in my life, but it’s pretty obvious he is new here.”

          “Who are you talking about?” Red asks.

          “That kid over there.” Blue says and points to the new kid. “He has a funny voice.”

          “Blue, don’t judge,” Violet says.

          “Sorry,” Blue mumbles and looks at Red.

          “Oh him, that is Greyson. He is a new student from the United Kingdom. I’m not sure which country, but maybe England.” Red says.

          “How do you know that?” Violet asks Red.

          “Yeah, how do you know that?” Blue also asks looking at Red in confusion.

          Red shrugs. “Daniel knows him, I just met him. Greyson and Daniel actually know each other over the internet from YouTube and some other website. They are, or were pen pal buddies, internet friendship, that sort of stuff.”

          Blue nods. “Oh, that’s intrusting I guess. I’ve never had an internet buddy.” She then takes out her books from her bag and puts them on the table.

          Mrs. Bloom walks in the front of the class. “Class, today we have a new student all the way from the UK. Son, you may introduce yourself.”

          Greyson walks in the front of the class and begins to speak, “Alright. I'm Greyson Milson; I'm frae the UK, specifically Scotland. I'm fourteen, in grade eight as you call it in America. And just in case yer all eejits and dinnae ken how we spell things in the UK, my name is spelt wie an ‘e’ no an ‘a’. Right, that's all I actual want to tell you.”

          Mrs. Bloom nods sighing. “Okay Greyson, you will be paired up with Jimmy, Grace and Tori. They are over there by the window near my desk.”

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