To See You Again

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Chapter 4
Rachels pov:
Finn opened the door and then said,


I got up and went to the door to see Shelby , my mother , with Beth , Quinns daughter.

"Hi Rachel." She said .

My brain wanted to say something but my heart said nothing. .

"H...hi." I said suprised.

"Can I come in?" She asked me.

I looked at Finn and he saw I was in shock still,

"Sure come on in." He told her and she walked in .

There was a long moment of silence and then Finn said,

"Okay so... I'm going to go. I'll leave you two alone." He said. "Bye babe." He told me and left the house.

"You look great Rachel honey. How are you?" She asked me.

"So now you care how I am?" I said rudely .

"Rachel I know you're mad at me and you have every single right to be but just hear me out." She said.

"What are you doing here Shelby? Do Puck and Quinn even know you're here? And why are you back after 2 years ?" I asked here.

"Okay well I got offered a teaching position at McKinley for a choir and I took it. No, Puck and Quinn don't know I'm here and I would like to keep it like that for now . Finally , I missed you Rachel and I wanna apologize for what I did to you. You deserved better , but look at you, you're happy and so am I." She told me .

"I don't get it why are you here though, in my house? You can't just come bargin back into my life without warning. Look to see you again is cool and all but I just need to be alone." I told her.

"I get it. I'll go. Say goodbye Beth." She told Beth.

Beth waved goodbye and they left. I sighed and slid down my door and cried .

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