The News

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Chapter 28
(1 month later)
Finns pov:
I was in the jewelry shop with Mr.Shue trying to find a ring for him to propose to Emma with. We looking around when I said,

"So did I tell you about signing up for the Army?" I asked him.

"Wait what?" He asked me.

"Yeah I ugh think I might do it you know um I wanna be like my dad and I wanna honor him." I said.

"Finn, bud, I get thar you wanna do that but the Army? It just doesn't seem right." He said.

"Look I just I need this. With everything thats happening I need a little happiness." I said.

"And what does Rachel think? And your mom?" He asked me.

"They don't know yet but I'll know it'll be okay." I said.

"Finn." He said .

"Look I gotta go okay." I said and left.

(The next day)
I got a text from my mom asking me to meet her for a meeting with Mr.Shue and her. I walked in to see Mr.Shue , my mom, and Burt .

"Whats going on?" I asked them.

"Finn honey, sit down." My mom said.

"Okay whats going on?" I asked them.

"Finn, Will told us about you wanting to join the Army." Burt said.

"Well thats something I told him in private but yeah." I said.

"Look I'm sorry I just thought your mom and Burt would want to be involved in this decision." He told me.

"Look, Finn bud, I understand that you wanna do something great but I had a plan for you to run the tire shop while I'm in DC and if I let your brother run it he'll be having all the grease monkeys wearing white suits." Burt said.

"Yeah he would." I said laughing.

"Look I'm not anti military but I just wanna understand where your coming from." He told me.

"Well my father was a war hero and I just wanna make him proud and continue that legacy." I said.

"I knew this would be about him." My mom said.

"You don't have to prove to anyone that your dads a hero Finn. Everyone knows what kind of man you are." Ms.Pilsberry said.

"Yeah but how do you know until you get tested? And what better way than to walk in his foot steps." I told her.

My mom and Burt got really uncomfortable and my mom got upset.

"Your dad was a good man. He was brave and true, and he had the same goofy sense of humor you do. But he didn't die in Irac . He served over there but something happened and I never found out what. I...I... I don't know if he did something or saw something or just lost his way but he broke." My mom said.

"He died a hero's death right ?" I said.

"He died in Cincinnati." She told me. "After being dishonorably discharged honey he had a drug problem... that he tried to get over for you mostly , but he...he would just dissappear for a day or a week sometimes. One day he just didn't come back, it was an overdose." She said.

"Oh I feel sick." I said in distraught.

"It's a lot to take in." Burt said.

"Oh my god, I see everything that was good in him in you. " My mom said.

"Why did you lie to me? Why?" I asked her.

"Because your dad was so much more than the last few months of his life. And he became, not your father. Honey I was going to tell you when I thought you were ready." She said.

"Well I'm not ready. could you think I ever be ready for something like that?" I asked and stormed out.

Rachels pov:
I was at my locker when I saw Finn storming out of a class and I instantly knew something was wrong.

"Hey Finn." I said.

"Please Rachel not now." He said upset.

"Whats wrong Finn?" I asked him.

"I said not now!" He yelled frightening me.

I looked at him and then suddenly he broke down and hugged me crying.

"I'm sorry." He said, "I'm so sorry." He told me .

"Hey its okay." I said.

"I have to go." He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek and left.

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