Fixing Quinn

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Chapter 7
(4 days later )
Pucks pov:
I felt bad about what happened between Rachel and Quinn and I had to help them fix it. After all I do feel somewhat responsible I mean it is sorta my fault Quinn is like this so I needed to fix her , for the sake of our daughter. I saw Quinn at her locker and said  ,

"Hey." I said to her. 

"What Puckerman?" She asked rudely.

"Can we talk?" I asked her.

"No we can't I need to smoke." She said.

I sighed and grabbed her hand and brought her into the janitors closet and said,

"Okay I had enough of this you need to get your shit together Quinn." I said.

"Excuse you!" She said outraged .

"Look , I get it , you're pissed off at everyone , at Rachel, at Finn, at the glee club and you're especially pissed I got you pregnant and cheated on you. I get it okay, and you have every right to be upset with me and just me! Quinn, I hurt you okay, I know that and I can never make up for what I did that summer to you because what I did was awful and wrong and I'm sorry for it. But this is your last chance Quinn , this is your last chance to prove to everyone and yourself how great you are. This isn't you Quinn, I know you and I know you want to see our daughter too. So stop fighting it and forgive yourself. Forgive Rachel because she needs you just as much as you need her. Join glee club again and be with your friends because we all miss you. And most importantly Quinn remember who you are , and when you look at Beth remember what you want back. Just please go back to being you. I really miss you and to be perfectly honest this you isn't as hot as you think and those skanks smell like piss." I said and left.

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