Take Care Of Her

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Chapter 24
(That night)
Finns pov:
I was at home watching football with Burt when the door bell rang. I got up and opened it to see Shelby.

"Shelby." I said suprised.

"Can I have a word with you?" She asked me.

"Of course." I said .

I grabbed my coat and stepped outside closint the door.

"Whats up?" I asked her.

"I need you to take care of Rachel." She told me .

"What?" I asked her.

"I'm leaving Finn, I'm going to California to get treatment and I need you to be the one to tell Rachel that I'm going to fight for my life and that I love her even if she hates me." She told me.

"Shelby." I said.

"You told me once that it was never too late to start over, and I want you to know that you were right Rachel and I did get to start over and we got our happy ending. But now I need you to take care of her because as strong as she is she hates it when people say goodbye and she'll be crushed and thats where you come in. So hold her and tell her that you love her and tell her whatever she needs to hear to move on and live her life. Tell her that I love her and she will always be my daughter please do that for me Finn. Please take care of her." She begged me.

"Of course I'll take of her." I said.

"Thank you, now here I have something for you." She said.

She pulled out and envelope and said,

"Here, this is for you. " She told me.

I took the envelope and opened it to see a check of 45 thousand dollars.

"Shelby , you can't...."

"It's for Rachel and you, my gift for taking care of her . I want you to save it and move to New York with her. Have your happily ever after like you two deserve." She told me.

"I can't take it , it's too much." I said.

"Too bad you'll just have to deal with it. Take care of her Finn , take care of my daughter." She said and left.

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