It's Killing Me

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Chapter 11
Rachels pov:

I was in glee club thinking about Shelby as Santana was talk and then suddenly I had this sickly feeling.

"Oh my god I think I might be sick." I said.

"Rachel!" Finn exclaimed.

"No not Brittney and Santana thats great,  I think I'm actually going to be sick!" I said and ran out quickly. 

I ran into the bathroom stall and puked my guts out for a good five minutes.  I flushed the toilet and came out to see a blonde hair Quinn who looked some what like the old Quinn.

"What are you pregnant?" She asked me.

"No I'm not thank you very much." I said sarcastically .

"Then why were you just puking up a storm in there?" She asked me.

"What do you want Quinn?" I asked her.

"I came to apologize to you about our fight.  You were right I shouldn't blame you ." She said.

"Why now?" I asked her.

"Because I feel like an ass. " She said.

"That's probably because you have been." I said smiling.

We laughed and then I remembered Shelby and my laughter turned into tears.

"Woah, whats going on?" She asked me.

"Shelby has cancer. Thats why she's here to spend time with me . She wants me to be her daughter and I don't know if I can." I told her.

"Rach," She said concerned.

"It's killing me Quinn, and I want to tell Finn but I know he's just going to try and tell me to go to her but I don't know if I can . I am so mad at her . I wanna yell!" I said .

"Okay then lets yell." She said.

"What?" I asked her.

"Rachel the only way you'll be happy is if you get all that anger out so come on lets yell." She said and she took my hand and I followed.

We went up to the roof it was an amazing view and then Quinn looked at me and said,

"Okay ready 1....2...3!"

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We both screamed as loudly as we could getting all the anger out.

"Feel better?" She asked me.

"Yeah, you?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said.

I smiled and gave her a hug,

"Can we go back to being friends cause hating you sucks." I said.

"Yeah we can." She said and smiling giving me a hug. 

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