Coming Out

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Chapter 9 
(1 week later)
Santana's pov:
"Mommy, Papi, I'm gay." I thought as they were talking to me at the dinner table.  Come on Santana just say it you're ready. I told myself. Just tell them, you're in love with Brittney and she loves you back . Why is this so hard it shouldn't be this hard. I thought. 

"Santana!" My mom said awakening me from my thoughts.

"Yes mommy?" I asked her.

"Are you alright you barely touched your food." She said.

I took a breath. This was it but then suddenly I could feel this knot growing bigger and I couldn't say anything.

"Yes mommy,  excuse me but I think I'm goint to go to bed early . Buenas noches. " I said kissing both their cheeks and went up stairs.

I laid in my bed and sighed , it was  bad enough I couldn't be intimate with Britney in school but now I have to hide her from my parents too. I can't keep this up it's not fair to them or Brittney. How can I do this though without them freaking out? I can't,  I just have to do it don't I. I got out of my bed and went into my parents room.

"Santana, I thought you were asleep." My Papi.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked them sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Sure whats wrong chica?" My mother asked.

"Mommy , Papi, there's something I need to tell you something I've been keeping in for a long time and I can't do it anymore. " I said.

"Okay say it then." My mommy said.

"Mommy , Papi,  I'm gay ....."

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