In This Moment

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Chapter 39
Finns pov:
I was in the locker room with Puck and Sam thinking about tonight with Rachel.

"Dude Rachel wants to have sex with me tonight." I said .

"That's so cool man congrats." Puck said .

"So what kind protection do you guys use?" I asked them .

"I don't ever use protection I go all in." Puck said .

"Ignoring you." Sam said and then said, "look man just use what ever is the best kind and make sure you're gentle girls like that." Sam said and we left .

(That night)
I arrived at Rachel's house that night in suit and tie with flowers in my hand . I knocked on the door and it opened and I saw Rachel looking more beautiful than ever .

"Hi," She said smiling .

"Hi," I said smiling back at her .

I gave her a kiss and then the flowers ,

"Thank you" She said and I came inside .

"I made your favorite, lasagna and then for dessert pineapple upside down cake" She told me.

"Sound great" I told her .

We sat down at the table and she raised her glass and said ,

"To 7 months love , laughter , and togetherness,"  She said and kissed me passionately .

(30 minutes later )
We finished eating and Rachel and I were cleaning up.

"You didn't have to help me with this," She told me .

"Please ,I wanted too" I told her .

She smiled as she finished her last dish and said ,

"Wanna go watch something upstairs ?" She asked me.

I knew this was it , the moment I took her upstairs, it would be official and we would be having sex.

"Okay,"  I said and she smiled and put the rag down and took my hand and led me upstairs .

We got up stairs and she put in the movie and we laid down in bed . She put her head on my shoulder and we began to watch.

"I'll be right back" Rachel said and went into the bathroom .

I sat up quickly and lit some candles in the room and then put down some rose petals around the room. I was so nervous I could feel myself worrying frantically. The bathroom door opened and Rachel stood there in lingerie. I smiled because she just looked so beautiful in that moment .

"Wow," I said memorized .

"Is it too much ?" She asked me .

I nodded no and said ,

"You look stunning"

She walked over to me and sat on my lap and her legs were rapped around me .

"Do you remember the first time we met?" I asked her before we started .

"Yeah, it was um sophomore year, and we were partners for a glee assignment and I had a major crush on you and then we were in the auditorium and we had a kiss," She said .

"You called me a jerk and I said you were a brat,"

"And then you said I started it and and I told you to finish it " She said .

"And then I pulled you close to me and I kissed you like this," I said and kissed her passionately.

She smiled and said ,

"I love you Finn Hudson,"

"I love you too Rachel Berry," I said .

I laid down and before she started I stopped her and said ,

"Just hold on for a second," I said .

"Why?" She asked me.

"Because in this moment I want to remember us just like this . The way we feel about each other and how we may never feel like this again with anyone else" I said .

She looked at me and said ,

"You are the only man I ever want to do this with,"  She told me .

"You are the only women I ever want to do this with,"  I told her .

She smiled and I unbuttoned my pants and I kissed her as I unbuttoned her bra and our bare bodies laid together for the first time . I held her close to me and I put  her hair behind her ears and then she looked at me and we began .

Hey guys so there's only about to be 3 more chapters so I want to ask if you guys wanted another book ? Let me know.

Natalie .

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