We're In Love

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Chapter 32
(3 days later )
Rachel's pov:
Today Finn and I are going to tell everyone the big news about us getting married . I'm so excited and I can't wait because now I have everything I could ever want. I walked into the bathroom to meet with Quinn , I wanted her to be the first to know after all she is my best friend.
"Hey Rachel." Quinn said .

"Hey Quinn." I said.

"So what's up?" She asked me .

"So I have some really great new to tell you." I told her.

"Me too." She said.

"Really what?" I asked her.

She smiled and said,

"I got into Yale." She told me .

I smiled and gave her a hug ,

"Quinn that's great! I'm so proud of you." I told her.

"Oh gosh stop before I cry." She said welling up.

"No really , this is great. You deserve this." I said.

"Thank you, because without you none of this would be possible , so thank you." She said.

I smiled and said,

"That's what best friends are for." I said and hugged her again.

"So what's your news? Something good about NYADA?" She asked me.

"No, actually , it's about Finn and I ." I said .

"Oh god are you pregnant?" She asked me.

"No, no, actually Finn proposed and I said yes, I'm getting married Quinn. " I said.

She looked at me shocked and said,

"Wow." She said.

"I know it's crazy but I'm so happy and..."

"You can't marry him." She said.

"What?" I said confused .

"Rachel, you're a teenager and you have your whole life ahead of you . You can't get married to Finn." She told me.

"I love him Quinn, and he loves me." I said.

"What is this really about? Not getting in to NYADA? Because if so Rachel you can still go to college. It's not too late." She told me.

"This has nothing to do with college Quinn! Finn and I our in love! We're in love and we're getting married so please just try and accept it." I said.

She looked down and said,

"I know you Rachel, and I know you love Finn but I also know that broadway is your dream. No , NYADA didn't work out like we hoped but , hiding behind Finn and going to get married isn't going to help you . You and I both know that." She said and left .

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