I Know You

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Chapter 35
(2 months later)
Quinn's pov:
It's been two months since my accident and I've been going to physical therapy everyday but it just feels like it's not working . I know I said I was okay but I'm not , in fact I'm a mess but know one can know because if everyone knows they'll feel guilty and that's the last thing I want . I was trying to reach my locker when my books all fell on the floor . I sighed loudly and then Puck came to the rescue.

"Here let me help you." He said .

"Puck it's okay." I said .

"Quinn, I don't mind helping you ." He said and gave me my books .

I smiled slightly and said,

"Thank you." I said.

"No problem, hey don't you have physical therapy today?" He asked me.

"Yeah but I don't have a ride." I said.

"I can take you." He said.

"Really? I mean you don't have too." I said.

"I want too." He said.

"Okay but just this once." I said and he wheeled me to his truck.

"Come on Quinn you can do it ." Puck said trying to get me to walk.

"Okay." I said .

I started to walk ,

"Come on Quinn you got this." Puck told me.

Suddenly I lost my balance and fell into Puck cause us to fall.

"Quinn are you okay?" Puck said.

I looked at him and suddenly I began to cry.

"I can't do it! I know I said I was going to walk but ..... I can't I'm not strong enough . I can't do it!" I cried .

"Don't you dare say that Quinn! I know you, and I believe in you. You are strong , and smart , and the most badass chick I know . And you can do this." He told me .

I looked at Puck and then said,

"Help me up." I said.

He smiled and picked me back up.

"Okay when you're ready." He said.

I started to walk and he smiled and said,

"You're doing it !" He said.

I smiled and then I stumbled into his arms .

"I gotcha!" He said and held me in his arms .

I looked at him and suddenly we kissed .

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