Sneak Peek Of "Sentimental Memories "

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Rachel's pov:
"You said we were endgame!" I yelled at him .

"Yeah well words don't mean a lot to you do they?" He told me .

"You can't just show up here Finn! You can't just come here and expect me to just be okay with it! You let me go ! You told me to go and live my dream!" I yelled .

"I had too it's what was best for you !" He yelled .

"You don't know what's best for me! I do! I do! I wanted you! I wanted you to come back to me! But you didn't! You left me and I hated you for it!" I said .

"I left you because you need your freedom!" He yelled .

"Bullshit! I don't need my freedom I'm a god damn woman I needed you Finn! I needed you!" .....


Sentimental Memories will be out soon .


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