I Want More

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Chapter 14
(1 week later)
Pucks pov:
I pulled up to Shelbys apartment  hoping for a second chance.  I needed to know if Beth was okay , I needed to see her . I walked up to the door and knocked . The door opened and it was Shelby,

"Noah?" She said suprised .

"Hey can I come in?" I asked her.

She looked back and said,

"Okay sure."  and she let me in.

I walked in and saw Beth asleep, she was gorgeous , she looked just like Quinn.

"She's gorgeous." I said looking at Beth memorized.

"Yeah she looks just like you and Quinn." Shelby said sitting down.

I sighed and sat down too,

"Look Shelby, I know you probably think I'm just some punk ass kid who got a girl pregnant but I never had a dad and I don't Beth to grow up without a dad because that sucks so please will you just let me visit her. I know Quinn may be a wreck but I just want the chance to know my daughter." I said.

"Of course you can , I don't want Beth to grow up like that either." She said.

"Great, so I um brought a little picture for her. I'm not the best artist but I hope she likes it. " I said.

"She'll love it."  She said smiling.

I smiled and got up . I was about to leave when Shelby stopped me ,

"Noah?" She said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Look, I know it's a long shot but if you could somehow maybe help Quinn and convince her to see Beth that would be great." She said.

I smiled and said,

"I'll do my best." And left.

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