Because Of You

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Chapter 22
(3 weeks later)
Santana's pov:
Tonight I'm going to my abuela's to tell her I'm a lesbian. I'm really nervous though because she's very strict when it comes to her religion and god but I know she'll accept it no matter what..... atleast I hope so. I sat at the dinner table and my abuela brought over some food for me.

"Santana you're all bones, like Jesus on the cross." She said putting down the food.

"Abuela I have something I want to talk to you about." I said.

"Okay, talk with your mouth full." She told me .

"No , no , no, come on." I said getting up, "Toma asiento." I told her telling her to take a seat.

We sat down and I said,

"Look , I have something to tell you. To tell you a secret , a secret that I have kept hidden for awhile now." I said.

"You want salsa?" She asked me.

"No ,no ,no." I told her. "Please you're so special to me." I said.

"Santana are you pregnant ? Cause I will beat you up with this chair." She said.

I laughed,

"No , no, no, its not that. It's just I watched you for so long and you've always been so strong and never cared with people thought of you." I said.

"Tell me about your life, I know mine." She said.

I sighed and said,

"Abuela , I love girls the way that I'm supposed to feel about boys." I told her. "It's just something thats always been inside of me and I really wanna share it with you because I love you so much. I want you to know me , to know who I am." I said. "When I'm with Brittney, I finally understand what people are talking about when they talk about love, and I've tried so hard to push this feeling away and keep it down inside , but everyday just feels like a war and I'm walking around just so mad at the world when I'm really mad at myself. I don't wanna fight anymore. I'm just too tired. I have to just be me." I told her.

She was silent,

"Please say something." I said.

"Everyone has their secrets for a reason Santana. Thats why they're called secrets for a reason. I want you to leave this house , I don't ever want to see you again." She told me.

I looked at her and shook my head,

"Abuela." I said.

"Go! Now!" She said angry.

"I'm the same person I was a minute ago!" I said.

"You made your choice, now I made mine." She said.

"Why?" I asked her.

"It's selfish of you to make me uncomfortable, en mi propia casa. The sin isn't in the thing it's in the scandal when people talk about it aloud. " She told me.

"So you're saying it would've been better if I would've kept this a secret?" I asked her.

She gave me a disappointed look and walked away.

"Abuela." I said and cried.

(The next day)
I was at home with Britney cuddling when she said,

"I'm sorry your abuela didn't approve of us." She told me.

I looked at her, sat up , and said,

"You know what it's okay, who needs her . I love you Britney and I love our sweet lady kisses and because of you I am truly happy." I told her.

She smiled and kissed me,

"I love our sweet lady kisses too."

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