Falling Down The Rabbit Hole

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Chapter 2
Quinns pov:
Senior year and I finally found myself. I don't know what the tipping point was, dying my hair pink, the nose ring, or the ironic Ryan Secrest tattoo. All I know is that I'm done with everyone. I'm done being that good two shoes girl everyone knew. I'm done trying to be perfect like Rachel or Santana. I'm done with the glee club and I'm done with those people I use to call my friends , especially Rachel.

"Quinn look this is our senior year we should be together." Santana said behind the fence as I walked under the bleechers.

"You are being pathetic." I said.

"Really I'm not the one being someone I'm not." She said.

"I gotta go be with my real friends." I said and left.

I walked over to my new group of friends the skanks and they accept me for who I really am.

Rachels pov:
"Glee!" Mr.Shue shouted as we all hooted and hollered.

"Okay, okay, first off I would like to welcome back everyone as we start off our new year of glee. Secondly this year is going to be the last for most you, so it means that we have to work 20 times harder then ever which means we're going to have to step up our game. So I'm bring back booty came and we will start rehearsing ASAP . " Mr.Shue said.

"Sounds great Mr.Shue but has anyone seen Quinn?" Artie asked.

"Last time I heard she went off the rails and just stopped being her." Tina said.

"Rachel, do you know anything?" Mr.Shue asked .

"No, Quinn and I are no longer friends. She made a choice and thats that." I said.

"I saw her today, she looks terrible." Santana said.

"Okay everyone why don't we get to work." Mr.Shue suggested and we started.

After glee I decided to go see Quinn underneath the bleechers with her new "friends" the skanks. I felt guilty about what I said but it was true Quinn made her choice.

"Hello Quinn, Skanks." I said to them as I approched.

"Quinn , your friend smells like soap." One of them said.

"She's not my friend." Quinn said coldly.

"We used to be friends once. Look I know last year was hard on both of us. I thought after you cut your hair last year everything would be okay but I was wrong Quinn. I said.

"What do you want Berry?" She asked me.

"I want you to come back to glee club Quinn. We need you and its our senior year this is our last chance to get it right and we need your bubbly personality and your amazing voice back. So come on , Santana has a bottle of bleech and rubbing alcohol to remove that tattoo of Ryan Secrest . Come back Quinn. Go back to being you again." I said.

She looked at me and then said,

"This is me bitch."

I looked at her with her sad eyes and said,

"No its not." And I left.

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