The Dinner

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Chapter 16
(That night)
Finns pov:
Tonight Shelby and Beth are coming over tonight for and Rachels really nervous I know she wants everything to be perfect but you can tell she's being very controlling.

"Finn I need you to put the pasta in the oven." She said looking for the fancy plates.

"Okay." I said.

"Finn please keep an eye on the bread." She said.

"Yes dear." I said.

"Ugh! Where is this fucking china!" She yelled angrily.

I looked at her as she slammed the cabinet.

"Okay, lets just sit down babe." I said.

"I can't I have to find this china where the hell is it!" She yelled getting on the step stool.

I sighed and said ,

"Okay that's it." I said and I walkes over and picked her up off the stool.

"Hey put me down." She said laughing.

I put her down on the couch,

"Okay you need to relax." I said.

"I can't I have to go and get ready." She said freaking out.

"Hey , hey look at me . Rachel look at me." I said.

She looked at me and I said,

"Everything will be okay, I promise . It'll be okay." I said.

"I know." She said."I'm just so nervous,  I just want everything to be okay." She told me.

"It will be." I said.

"Im sorry I was being a little controlling." She said.

"A little?" I said sarcastically.

She smiled and playfully hit me,

"Shut up and kiss me." She said and I kissed her.

(30 minutes later )
Shelby and Beth had arrived and we were eating diner and then Shelby said,

"So Finn have you decided where your applying for college?" She asked me .

"Um actually I haven't decided quit yet." I said.

"Thats okay most people don't know quite yet." She told me.

"What about you Rachel?" She asked me .

"Oh well I'm thinking about NYADA." She said.

"NYADA?" I asked.

"Very nice." Shelby told her.

Suddenly Beth started to cry and she said ,

"Thats my cue." She said.

"Right well thank you for coming." Rachel said.

"Thank you for inviting me. Finn it was nice seeing you again." She told me.

"You too Shelby." I said feeling uneasy.

"Bye guys." She said.

"Bye." We said and Rachdl shut the door.

"That went well." Rachel said smiling.

"Rachel why didn't you tell me about NYADA?" I asked her.

She looked down and said,

"Finn I wasn't sure you wanted to know I mean I know you're so unsure about your future , I just didn't want to rub it in your face. " She told me.

"Wow, I think I should go." I said.

"Finn, don't be like that." She said.

"Like what?" I asked her and left.

Hey guys so in case you haven't heard I have 3 new books out. Forever Yours Faithfully, the sequel to Love In The Dark. The Writer and The Star , the sequel to The Baker and The Diva . And Endgame the third and final book to What Is Love and When I Look At You so please check it out.


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