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Chapter 29
(The next day)
Rachel's pov:
I knew something was wrong with Finn but I didn't know what, all I knew what that my boyfriend was hurting for the first time in a while and he has always been there for me so now it's my turn to be there for him. I walked into glee club and said,

"Mr. Shue I have a song to sing."

"Great go ahead Rachel." He said.

"I would like to dedicate this to my boyfriend Finn." I said and started:
If I could break away half of all your pain
I'd take the worst of it and carry you like you carry me
You say that you're alright when tears are in your eyes
We're strong enough for this and I need you
It's okay that you need me
So put your armor on the ground tonight
Cause everyone's got to come down sometimes
(Goes and sings to Finn)
You don't have to be Superman
You don't have to be Superman
You don't have to hold the world in your hands
You've already shown me that you can
Don't have to be Superman

I know I've been gone too much
We talk about me too much
I'm selfish and distracted
But I'm here, I'm here and I'm listening
And It's just you and me and these four walls
And we are only human after all

You don't have to be Superman
You don't have to be Superman
You don't have to hold the world in your hands
You've already shown me that you can
Don't have to be Superman

And oh
Rest your eyes now, take my hand
Even heroes fall down now and then
You can let it go

You don't have to be Superman
You don't have to be Superman
You don't have to hold the world in your hands
You've already shown me that you can
Don't have to be Superman
You don't have to be Superman
(Everyone clapped and I took Finns hand and took him to the auditorium)
"Rachel I don't know what to say." He told me.

"It's okay, I want you to know that no matter how bad things may be for you that I will always be there because you are for me and together we can get through anything." I said.

He gave me a hug and started to cry .

"It's okay." I said "It's okay."

(3 days later)
Finns pov:
I sat in the auditorium with Rachel looking at a picture of my dad.

"You have his eyes, and his mouth a little bit too." She said leaning over me.

"I always had trouble finding myself in his face. You know when I was a kid I used to stare up at the wall , his picture hanging there and I used to convince myself we , we looked like twins ." I told her.

"Is that why you asked me to meet you here to talk about your dad?" She asked me.
I sighed and said ,
"No,no , I ugh wanna talk about you. About us really. I was going to lay out a picnic like you did for our first date but I could never figure out where you got those cool airplane cups." I said.

"And I told you , you could kiss me if you wanted to. I could never figure out why you ran off so quickly." She said.

I sighed knowing why ,

"Yeah I was just...nervous." I said.

"Oh I could never make you nervous."  She said smiling.

"Kinda of nervous right now." I told her.

"Wait, what going on?" She asked confused.

"Look, I ugh, have something to tell you but I need you to promise me not to say a word until I'm done. And I know that's kind of hard for you so I need you to promise me ." I said.

"Okay, I promise." She said sitting down.

"I just feel like all my life I wanted to become the man my father was. Now all of the sudden I'm worried up at night that I'm going to be the man my father was. Let's face it I got high school hero, life zero written all over me . Except for one thing, you. You're like a beacon of light guiding me through the darkness. You're like this  big bright star and for some bizarre reason you chose to let me love you.  And I feel like if I can just convince you to let me keep doing that everything's going to be okay." I said . I smiled looked down and said, " I opened up my first credit card to do this. I know it's not a pool full of swimmers or a tux and it's not that big but it's a promise , a promise to keep loving you for the rest of my life , all you have to do is say yes," I got down on one knee,"Rachel Berry will you marry me...."

Hey guys so I wanted to let everyone know my newest book to the series The Baker and The Diva is now out on my page it's called Mr.And Mrs.Hudson . Also this book will be ended soon so how do you all feel about another one? Comment below.

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