My Mom

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Chapter 23
(2 weeks later)
Rachels pov:
I walked up to Shelbys house and knocked on the door. She asked me to come over but I wasn't sure why. I knocked on the door and she opened it.

"Rachel." She said happy to see me.

"Hey Shelby." I said.

"Come in." She said and let me in .

"Whats up?" I asked her.

"I need to talk to you about something." She told me.

"What is it?" I asked her as we sat down.

"I need you to take Beth in when I die." She told me.

"Wha....what?" I asked her.

"Rachel, I'm dying and I don't think I am getting any better  and I need you to take care of Beth until Quinn and Puck are ready." She told me. I looked at her speechless.

"No." I said. "I can't take care of a baby I'm a baby myself not to mention I'm not meant to have a kid." I said.

"Rachel, I know it's a lot but..."

"No! In case you forgot Shelby,  I didn't really have parents . I can't be the one to do this I'm sorry but no." I said.

"Rachel." She said.

"You are her mom Shelby, I'm not ! You are supposed to be the mom I'm just here! " I said.

"Rachel," She said.

"No! You are supposed to be her mom! You were supposed to be my mom but you left! And now you're getting a second chance and you're throwing it away because you have cancer!" I yelled.

"What do you want me to do Rachel?" She asked me .

"Fight Shelby! I want you to fight for your life! Fight so Beth has a mom because not having one sucks!" I yelled."So fight hard and fight for your life! Don't let cancer get in the way of you being a mother." I told her and left.

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