Preference #3

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Who he's jealous of:

Damon: Klaus, you and Klaus were best friends since you first moved to Mystic Falls. But with everything that happened with Damon and Klaus, he didn't trust him and definitely didn't like when you guys hung out.

Stefan: Damon, he likes to get a reaction out of Stefan and get on his nerves, so he is constantly flirting with you. He also likes to make very inappropriate jokes which make you uncomfortable.

Klaus: Elijah, you and Elijah had a sibling relationship but Klaus always took it to be more than that. He got very jealous when you and Elijah would be sitting on the couch talking or just watching a movie with him.

Elijah: Nobody, he trusts you and you continuously tell him that you love him and that there's no one else out there that could make you happier than he can.

Kol: Jeremy, you and Jeremy were always friends but after Jeremy killed Kol you knew your relationship with Jeremy would never be the same. Although after Kol came back, you tried to patch things back over with him but Kol got jealous and tried to act back but you told him to calm down and that you only love him and only him.

Enzo: Damon, Damon was your drinking buddy, you guys would go drinking whenever it felt necessary. You guys would sit and talk for hours, but Enzo always got jealous of how much you tell Damon and that you don't tell him anything. You have to keep telling him that it's absurd and that you and Damon are jut close friends and nothing more.

Tyler: Klaus, Klaus is always trying to bug Tyler so he thought the best way to do it was to flirt and talk to you but that just made Tyler really angry and want to rip his head off. So you kept reminding him how much you love him and that Klaus is just trying to get to him.

Jeremy: Tyler, Tyler was your ex and he never really got over you so he likes to try and get you back constantly, which makes Jeremy very weary. He feels like he will loose you to Tyler but you keep reminding him how silly that is because you love him.

Matt: Stefan, you and Stefan were the best of friends but Matt always thought it would go to far and you would want to be with Stefan instead but you always remind him he's the only one for you and that you love him with all your heart.

Alaric: Nobody,same as Elijah Alaric trusts you when you tell him that there's no one else you would rather be with and that he makes you very happy.

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