Imagine#20- Damon

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You and him meet for the first time:

You were doing your normal shift at The Grill, serving customers left and right. When a drunk guy, who reeked of tequila and beer, started to hit on me.

"Hello beautiful." he slurred

"Can I get you anything?" You said not daring to make eye contact.

"Can I get a you?

"Sorry, were all out of that." You spoke, attempting to walk away, but he grabbed your arm viciously.

"Why don't we go somewhere more private?" He said with black eyes full of lust.

"Ow, please let go! I'm not going anywhere with you." You pleaded, which made his grip on you tighten.

"Ey! Get your paws off of her." You looked up to see a gorgeous man with piercing blue eyes and raven coloured hair. The drunk man let go and spun around.

"What are you gonna do about it?" The guy nagged.

"I think you should leave, before I force you to." He threatened. The man still sat there in the bar stool looking not threatened one bit.

The guy then pulled the drunk dude by the collar and looked in his eyes and said something, then the guy left.

"Wow. Thank you so much. Uh-" You said not sure if his name.

"Damon, Damon Salvatore." He said taking a seat. "Can I get a name to match that gorgeous face?" He smirked.

"Y/n, Y/n Mikaelson." You said blushing

"So your a Mikaelson?"

"Ya, and your a Salvatore." I smiled

"So like, Klaus is your brother? And I'll have a bourbon." He spoke, I grabbed a glass and poured his drink and slid is to him.

"Ya, unfortunately. I haven't talked to him in hundreds of years. How do you know him ?" I asked

"Oh ya know, tried to kill me once or twice." He said taking a sip

"Oh, how old are you exactly?" He said finishing his drink.

"I'm about, over 1000 years old. I don't really count." You smiled.

You looked at your watch and realized your shift was over.

"Well it was nice meeting your Damon, I hope to see you around." You smiled taking off your apron and waving goodbye to Matt.

"Oh I'll make sure of it." He smirked.

You left knowing that was definitely not the last time you would be seeing Damon Salvatore.

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