Preference #16

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What kind of relationship you have with his family/close friends:


Stefan- he thinks your sweet and you both got really close after the first time you met and now your besties and he tells you embarrassing stories about Damon's childhood and then you make fun of Damon when you see him next.

Alaric- Alaric thinks you make him a better person but sometimes he misses his drinking buddy but overall he likes you.


Damon- He loves you like a sister, he finds that your nothing like Stefan and way more fun so you both would go for drinks and talk about your pasts.


Elijah-  He is one of your best friends, you knew him before Klaus and you had met so you guys had years of strong friend ship and he thinks you and Klaus make a perfect pair

Rebekah- She loves you like the sister she never had, and she loves how you make Klaus almost a better person.

Kol- The first time you met he wasn't fond of you but you eventually grew onto him and now you two are almost inseparable, you would spend hours together just planning some pranks to play on the others.


Kol- Your like a sister to him, you were always the youngest in your family so you can relate to him and he loves that because he's never had someone like that.

Klaus- He thinks you take Elijah away from his family but you know that he secretly would never hurt you because he loves you two together and he likes how happy you make Elijah.

Rebekah- you two are inseparable, you always are out shopping with her and your constantly compelling the cashiers to give it to you for free and always have a blast together


Klaus- He is very flirtatious with you just to get Kol upset but he thinks your a very sweet person and just like the others he thinks of you as family

Rebekah- She thinks of you as family, in her mind Kol hasn't been able to find the one true love but when you came around she knew that you were the one. Plus you go shopping and have sleepovers all the time.

Elijah- He doesn't understand why you chose Kol out of everyone but he still loves you like family.


Damon- Damon and you were drinking buddy's and were always out at the bar drinking after a hard day.

Bonnie- She ships you both so much, she thinks you make him happy and that's all that matters


Caroline- She loves your chemistry together and how he makes you happy and vice versa and she always reminds him that if he hurts you she'll rip his heart out


Elena- She was your best friend before you met Jeremy, you two met in high school then you came over to her house and that's when you met Jeremy

Matt- He likes you because he feels he can trust you, your one of the vampires he trusts so you two are close friends.


Elena- She likes you because you make Matt happy and she thinks your sweet, you two normally hang out along with Bonnie and Caroline and have a girls day.

Jeremy- You two are friends and you would usually hangout and play video games with him and talk about your lives


Damon- He was your drinking buddy and your best friend, he loved you like a sister and would be there when Alaric couldn't.

Elena- She thinks your too young for him but you always tell her off because you love Alaric no matter what but then she sees how happy you make him then she is ok with it

Jeremy- He likes you but doesn't interact with you that much, but when you two are together you just talk and talk.

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