Preference #7

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Your first kiss:

Damon: You walked into the Salvatore mansion looking for Elena because you thought she would be here with Stefan.

"What are you looking for?" Damon asked with a smirk on his face

"Not you!" You said with sass

"Wow I feel hurt." He said grabbing his chest pretending he's hurt.

You roll your eyes and say to him"I'm looking for Elena, have you seen her anywhere?"

"She left with Stefan a while ago, something about privacy and they don't want to be interrupted." He says sounding sarcastic
You could tell he had been drinking from the smell of bourbon lingering throughout the house and the glass in his hand.

"You've been drinking I see." You say slipping off your shoes and walking into the living room.

You grab a glass and pour yourself some bourbon and look at him, his eyes roaming your body.

"What are you looking at?" You say after taking a sip of your bourbon

"Your hot body." He says with a smirk, in a second he's right in front of you. You could feel his hot breath on your lips, he leaned in and connected your lips then things got heated.

Stefan: You were on your morning run when you stopped to change your music, you put on y/f/s and started running again. While you were turning the corner you bumped into someone, you fell to the ground from the impact. You looked up and saw Stefan lending a hand to help you up.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going I'm such a  I'm so so sorry ugh-" you. We're cut off by his lips on yours, you pulled away after a few seconds.

"What was that for?" You asked him with a shocked expression on your face.

"I didn't know how else to shut you up." He said with a smirk.

Klaus: You and Klaus were walking down the loud streets of New Orleans hand in hand, listening to all the music and laughter around you guys. You had just stopped to watch a young man paint a picture of a sunset with a boat in view when Klaus turned you to look at him.

"I love this song, care to dance?" He whispered into your ear while grabbing your waist with both his hands.

"I would love to dance." You said smiling ear to ear.

You guys started swaying back and forth in the spot you were standing in, you rested your head on his shoulder and wrapped your arms around his neck.

You guys stayed this way until you pulled away and looked him in the eyes. He smiled at you then leaned in and kissed you on the lips, you kissed him back and then he pulled away. That was the moment you knew you found the love of your life.

Elijah: You were hanging off your couch watching tv and by hanging off your couch I mean your head was dangling off and your body was sitting almost normally. You were super bored and had nothing to do so you sat like this for a good 8 minutes until there was a knock at the door, so you had to get up and answer the door. You unlocked all the locks on your door and opened it a crack and saw Elijah standing there with a box of pizza. Your face lit up with joy as you brought him into a hug, he chuckled at you and handed you the pizza.

"Wow I didn't expect to get a hug from bringing you pizza." He smiled while walking in the house after you.

"Well you shouldn't doubt me." You giggled and bit into a slice of pizza.

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