Preference #23

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What happens when you guys get into a fight:

Damon: You will spend the day with the girls then at night you'll usually go to his house and see if Stefan thinks Damon has calmed down enough to talk to and if he is, you guys will talk it out.

Stefan: your fights aren't bad, you guys usually fight over when one of you spend too much time with other people. He usually ends up at your house with chocolates and flowers to make it up to you.

Klaus: Your fights can get intense. You'll both say things you don't mean and it ends up with both of you going your separate ways for a few hours then he finds you and apologizes.

Elijah: He doesn't normally start the fights it's usually you, you don't like his relationship with Haley and you don't like how he would leave you alone for a few hours to go get klaus out of trouble. You apologize and he always forgives you.

Kol: Your fights get really intense. Normally he'll accuse you of cheating on him and it'll end up with you slapping him and leaving the house, he makes it up to you by sneaking in your house at night and cuddling with you and apologizing.

Enzo:  He will spend too much time with Damon so you get mad and start a fight he will eventually leave you alone to let your steam off. You eventually would see his point of view and feel really lonely so you go and apologize.

Tyler: He can get really mad at the slightest things and that pisses you off most of the time, eventually he takes a chill pill and apologizes and you two spend the night cuddling.

Jeremy: He gets mad at you because your a hybrid but you are friends with klaus so you both go on killing sprees and Jeremy gets really mad and you two get into a huge fight but then he makes it up to you and gives you flowers and you both apologize to each other for over reacting.

Matt: your fights can get bad but not often, you two fight over silly little things but you get over it fast and both spend the night cuddling and watching Netflix.

Alaric: He gets himself into dangerous situations and almost gets killed every time and you get fed up with it so you yell and scream at him then he eventually leaves you to calm down then you go find him after and apologize for everything.

Kai: You didn't want him killing anymore people so you would start a fight every time he would, your fights get really bad sometimes and you would leave the house and not come back for multiple days until he got over himself and came to your house and promised not to do it again, you always accepted but knew it wouldn't last long.

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