Imagine #5-Enzo

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How you met Enzo:

You walked into your brothers, Damon and Stefan's house looking around at the place you're brothers had and seeing how much it has changed since the last time you were over.

"Damon! Stefan!" You yelled at them to come downstairs.

"Y/n! I'm so happy you could make it." Stefan said embracing you into a hug.

"Me too." You said hugging him back, you were really close with both your brothers but Stefan was like your best friend.

"Y/n! My favourite sibling has arrived." He said looking at Stefan then hugging me also.

"I missed you so much." You said sarcastically rolling your eyes at him.

"Well we have business to take care of with the Scooby Gang, and it cant be complete without Scooby." He said smirking, you punched his arm and declined on his offer to go with them to meet up with the group. You said you needed to take a shower and get unpacked and stuff like that.

"Alright then by, shaggy isn't going to be happy about this." Damon smiled at you, as you picked up a pillow and chucked it at his face. He laughed at you and they headed out. And you got off your butt and started to unpack.

You had just finished unpacking which took about 15-20 minutes and you were already tired. You headed downstairs to get a drink from Damon's collection, you picked out a bourbon and poured yourself a glass of it. You heard someone open the close the door so you walked out into the living room.

"Who's there?" You asked walking through the living room.

"Sorry to startle you sweetheart, I was just looking for Damon. Have you seen him?"The stranger asked with a gorgeous British accent.

"He's with the rest of the gang." You said giving him a confused look then turning on your heals and walking away.

"Wait, I'm Enzo, Enzo st.John."He added as you tuned around to face him.

"Y/n, y/n Salvatore." You said smiling at him.

"So your the famous sister I heard all about." He said smirking at you.

"Well that would be me." You said smiling even wider.

"Well y/n, it was lovely to meet you but I must go find your brother he has caused trouble, again." He said chuckling.

"Will you be here later?" You asked sorta weirdly.

"Yes, I will be over here when they get back." He smiled as he opened the front door.

"Until then." You said taking a sip from your bourbon.

"Until then."

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