Imagine#18- Klaus

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You want to help but you'll get hurt so he compels you:

"What are you going?" You asked your boyfriend Klaus, he was always running off on journeys and you never knew where he was going.

"No where y/n." He said ignoring your presence

"Tell me!" You raised your voice.


"That's it! No. That's all your going to say?" You said not giving up.


"Fine than I'm coming with you." You said starting to put your shoes on.

"No! Your not" he said looking at you worried

"Yes! I am." You said walking to the front door.

He than vamp sped to the front door blocking your way.

"Klaus move, Now! If your not going to tell me where your going I'm coming with you."

"No your not its too dangerous." He said softening his voice a bit.

"Please?" You asked him

"I'm sorry but you can't." He help you close than you looked in his eyes, and couldn't seem to look away.

"Y/n, you have to stay here, make cookies and bake, and forget we ever fought. Stay in this house and do not leave until I tell you that you can." He finished compelling you.

"I'm going now, bye my love." He said leaving you alone and confused.

Sorry, I know it's not that good, I'll try and work on making them longer and better

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