Imagine #11-Kai

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You see him upset/crying for the first time:

"KAI?" You belched out as you walked through the Salvatore mansion. Kai had told you about how with all of the hate he was getting and pressure that everyone was putting on him, he had been feeling awful and worthless. You had never seen or heard him talk such words and were surprised when he told you this. You wanted to see him and knew where he would be so you went.

"Malachai whatever your middle name is Parker where the hell are you?!" You  continued to yell.
You heard a groan coming from the basement and vamp sped down stairs and stood right in front of the cell he was in.

"What in the world did they do to you." You whispered.
He jumped the made eye contact with you and that's when you realized the tears in his eyes and his tear stained cheeks. You immediately fidgeted with the lock and busted it open, you ran to him and pulled him into a huge hug.

"Kai what happened." You whispered stoking his hair.

"Everyone was pressuring me into this spell then knocked me out because I couldn't do it and locked me in here. And then this water just started pouring out of my eyes." He said pulling away from the hug.
You giggled a bit at his way of telling you he was crying then took his face in his hand and stroked his cheeks.

"You mean to tell me the big bad Kai, cried?" You said with a smirk plastered on your face, which made him smile.

"I love you y/n" he said kissing you.

"I love you too." You said into the kiss.

A/n: sorry it's so bad and short I didn't know what else to write, but if you guys have anymore requests comment them here or on the a/n chapter thanks❤️

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