Preference #12

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What you like to do together:

Damon: You guys like to go out for the day and drive through towns and stop at bars and have a couple drinks then compel some people to drink from.

Stefan: You guys like to have lazy days where you both are being lazy asses and not wanting to get up so you order pizza and stay in for the day.

Klaus: You guys like to go for walks on the beach, it may sound weird that the big bad hybrid would enjoy this but you both love strolling on the beach hand in hand and sometimes even stopping to put your feet in the water.

Elijah: You guys like to go for walks around town, you both love when you do this because you both share stories of your past and have a couple of laughs with the original.

Kol: You guys like to play games and pranks, you would always play pool with him and play pranks on his siblings and you guys laughed at their reactions.

Enzo: You guys like to go on killing sprees, you don't really care but you usually feel as if your emotions were turned off but they weren't and you and Enzo had lots of fun doing this together.

Tyler: You guys like to gossip, he loves hearing about the drama in your life which makes you giggle at his sudden interest and yet you love to hear about his boy drama that goes on in his life.

Jeremy: You guys like to go on vacations, he would drive you everywhere and you would have mini road trips together and have a blast.

Matt: You guys like to have sleepovers, you would buy movies and set up a fort and have popcorn fights and have lots of fun.

Alaric: You guys like to explore, you would go hiking in random forests even though it wasn't save at all but you always carried around some wolfs bane and vervain just incase.

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