Preference #13

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How you guys like to cuddle:

Damon: You guys slept in a different position every night, some nights you would be close and the others you would just be holding hands.

Stefan: He would pull you up on his chest and give you soft kisses until you eventually fell asleep

Klaus: He would hold you to his chest like there was no tomorrow, he would be playing with your hair as you are falling asleep whispering your 'I love you's' before you drift off into your slumber.

Elijah: You would sleep really close together anyway you could wether it be you sleeping on his chest or him pulling you tightly to his chest.

Kol: You would sleep on top of him, you would have your legs intertwined and your head on his chest listening to the thumping of his soft heart beasts

Enzo: You were a very restless sleeper so he knew you needed your space so he would lay facing your back as he swung an arm around your waist and sometimes he would wake up to your feet in his face.

Tyler: You would lay on your backs and he would put his arm around your shoulder and pull you up closer to him.

Jeremy: you would lay on his chest listing to his heart beat which helped you sleep at night

Matt: you would lay facing each other as you intertwine your hands together

Alaric: You would be the little spoon and he would be the big spoon and you slept like this almost every night and never got tired of it.

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