Imagine #12-Klaus

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You, your brothers and Klaus are all invited to a ball:

"Damon! Stefan! Hurry up we're going to be late!" You yelled at your brothers who were taking forever to get ready.

"Calm down little sis, were coming." Damon said walking down the stairs.
You guys were going to a ball at the Lockwood mansion, and you were excited yet so scared at the same time. This is the first time they were going to be in the same room as you and your boyfriend, Klaus Mikaelson.

"So who's your date y/n?" Stefan asked wiggling his eyebrows. You rolled your eyes and kept silent cause you weren't
sure how they were going to react.

"Looks like y/n has a little secret to me." Damon said taunting you.

"Shut up." You said getting into the limo.

"Who's your date Damon?" You said smirking as they got in the limo after you

"Haha very funny y/n." He said sarcastically

"Are you seriously both going with Elena?" You laughed

"No I'm going with Caroline." Stefan said as he fixed his hair.

"Aw my cute little steroline." You said smirking

"Your cute little what?" Stefan asked confused

"Nothing." You laughed
After a good 15 minutes you got to the Mikaelson's house and stepped out of the car.

You walked in with a brother on each side, all you could think was 'I hope this goes ok'.

"Wow it looks just like it was 1000 years ago." You said looking around. You walked in without a worry because you were invited in a while back, but the guys weren't.

"Y/n how did you get inside?" Stefan asked curiously

"You would have had to been invited in." Damon said with that evil smirk on his face.

"I'm going to get a drink." You said walking away leaving them outside.

As you walked through the huge house you glanced from side to side checking if you could see anyone you knew, but had no luck.
You grabbed a glass of champagne and headed to find someone, anyone you knew.

"Hello darling." You heard the voice of your best friend you hadn't seen in SO LONG.

"Kol?" You said turning around and jumping into a hug.

"Y/n I haven't seen you since 1867." He said pulling away from the hug.

"I missed you so much." You squealed.

"But I bet you missed my dearest brother more." He smirked

"Hm it depends, is Rebekah here?" You giggled

"I'll go find Niklaus." He said walking away. You started walking again until you felt a tap on your shoulder so you quickly turned around.

"Hello love." Klaus smirked

"I've been looking for you every where." You said hugging him.

"You look stunning." He whispered in your ear making you blush.

"Thank you." You said. "Let's dance." You said dragging him to the dance floor.

"Love where are your brothers?" He asked looking around.

"I have no clue they weren't invited in but I was so ya." You smirked

"Well we should find them, you go look for Rebekah and I'll go lol for Damon and Stefan." He said but before you could say anything else he was gone.
So you went to find Rebekah.
You looked everywhere except her room so you went up there. You knocked on the door.

"Go away!" She yelled. So you knocked again
"I said go away!" She yelled getting closer to the door but you knocked one more time and she budged.

"What the hell do you-" she started but then looked at you.

"Y/N?" She yelled pulling you into a huge hug.

"Hey bekah, miss me" you laughed

"You have no idea." She smiled.

"How are you and Klaus doing?" She asked

"Well he's somewhere talking to my brothers which isn't good but I don't care anymore, why are you up here?" You asked her

"I don't know it was boring and Klaus was being a jerk." She giggled

"Come on let's go." You said dragging her down stairs just to be met by the not so happy eyes of my brothers.

"I'll go get us a drink." Rebekah said walking away.

"I can explain." You said

"Really? Explain how you forgot to mention that Klaus of all people is the guys your dating?" Damon said.

"Ok im sorry but I didn't have a say when you and you," you said pointing to Damon then Stefan,"dated both Katherine and Elena so stay out of my relationships." You said walking away to find Rebekah. Just as you were walking up to her you felt a hand go around your mouths then waist and you were pulled into a dark room, then he pushed you against a wall and started to kiss you on the neck and cheek. And you wiggled and tried to yell for help but he was too strong.

Suddenly the door busts open and you get a good look at your attacker and that's when you realized that it had been Tyler Lockwood that wanted to get back at Klaus so he tried to hurt you but the only one who was getting hurt tonight was going to be him.

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