Preference #15

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His favourite thing about you:

Damon: Your eyes, he thinks you have the most wonderful shade of y/e/c he's ever seen

Stefan:  Your lips, he loves it when you kiss him because it's like kissing an angel to him

Klaus: Your sassy side, he loves it when you give people your sass he thinks it's so hot and sexy

Elijah: Your confidence, he loves it how you almost never put yourself down, well at least with him around

Kol: Your body, he loves when you guys are getting intimate he could look at you all day

Enzo: Your nose, he loves kissing it and he thinks it's the cutest thing he's ever seen

Tyler: Your hair, he loves how it flows down at just the right height and how when he can twirl it around in his fingers when your sleeping

Jeremy: Your kindness, he loved that you helped everyone that was in need he just didn't like when you risked your life for them

Matt: Your hands, that may sound weird but he finds them soft and loves to twiddle them around and hold them.

Alaric: Your creativity, you always come up with the most creative ideas when your bored and Alaric finds it fascinating how you can come up with them in so little time.

Kai: Your evilness, you were as evil as he was and even more and he loved that about you and he also loved that you understood why he did what he did.

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