Imagine #13-Damon

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Your his date to the Mikaelson ball:

You walked into the Mikaelson mansion and looked around to see if you could see anyone you knew. You turned to your left and saw Stefan and Elena talking so you went to ask them where everyone was.

"Hey guys have you seen Caroline or anyone else?" You asked.

"Omg y/n! You look so gorgeous." Elena squealed.

"Thanks so do you." You said hugging her then Stefan.

"Oh and I think I saw Caroline and Damon over there." Stefan said pointing to the right.

"Ok thanks." You said walking away, Damon had invited you to the ball but you two agreed you were going to meet there so that's what you did. You started walking the direction Stefan pointed you in and eventually bumped into Damon.

"Oh sor- Damon!" You said as you ran into a hard chest.

"Y/n, I have been looking for you everywhere," He said as he took your hand up to his mouth, placing a kiss on the back of it."and you look gorgeous as always." He said making you blush.

"Thank you, you look handsome as always." You smiled making him smirk. Then the music started playing.

"May I have this dance?" He asked smirking

"Yes you may." You said taking his hand and leading him out onto the dance floor.

You guys them danced for hours, talking, laughing and learning about one and others pasts. You two had a great time. Then your feet started to hurt so you asked him to take you home. He took you back to his house and you got undressed then got dressed into one of Damon's shirts and your underwear then crawled into bed with him.

"I love you Damon."

"I love you too y/n"

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