Imagine #3- Stefan

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Cuddling after a fight:

You and Stefan had just fought over him never being around enough and he said some mean things and you said some mean things but he eventually stormed off leaving you to cope by yourself. You were currently tying to sleep it off  but you were to busy crying, you were lying on your bed when you heard a noise from down stairs. You wanted to go check it out but you didn't want to get up so you just stayed where you were, cuddling the blankets.

"Babe?" You heard someone whisper

"Go away Stefan." You said in a stern voice. He climbed into your bed and snaked his arm around your waist.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean any of it." He said kissing your temple. You turned around to face him and he gave you a sincere smile.

"I'm sorry too." You said as another tear rolled down your cheek. He took his thumb and wiped it was and kissed your forehead.

"I love you." He said pulling you into his chest.

"I love you too." You said sounding muffled. For the rest of the night you both lied there cuddling and watching Netflix.

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