Imagine #8- Matt

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You get badly hurt and he blames himself:

You were doing a spell with Bonnie, a locater spell to be exact. But what you two didn't know was that the person you were locating had a stronger witch on his side, and she was stronger than you and Bonnie combined.

"Y/n are you ready to go again?" Bonnie asked while placing the candles back in the spots they were in.

"Yup, are you?" You asked her with sincerity.

"Ready as I'll ever be, lets go." She said getting down on her knees and grabbing your hands. You both closed your eyes and started chanting some words for the spell. There was a huge gust of wind that blew out all the candles, but you both kept going. Her nose started to bleed then seconds later so did yours, you started to feel weak and swayed side to side.

"Guys did you get any-" Damon said walking in with Elena, Matt, Stefan, Caroline, and Elijah. They knew you two were doing this but they didn't know that it was going to be pitch black and stuff blown everywhere.

"GUYS STOP YOUR GOING TO KIL YOURSELVES!" Matt screamed to the both of you. You suddenly felt as if your head had been hit with thousands of bricks and collapsed to the ground with a thump.

*Matts Pov*
I watched in horror as Y/n and Bonnie did a spell that put their lives in danger. Then Y/n started to loose consciousness and fell to the ground, then Bonnie did the same. I rushed over to them and tried to wake up y/n, Damon rushed over and tried to feed her his blood but it wouldn't work so we had no other choice but to call 911. When they arrived they took the girls and all of us were trailing behind in our cars and I was praying to God that they would both survive.

*Your pov*

You awoke in a startle, and started to look around and noticed you were in a hospital bed. You felt strong enough to get up so you swung your legs off the bed and stood up, surprisingly you were strong enough. You could hear everything to the heart beats of people in other rooms and every other little sound around you. You walked out of the room and looked down both hallways and sighed.Then you saw your medical sheet which stated everything that happened to you, so you picked it up and started reading it.

Y/n Y/l/n
22 year old female
No obvious wounds
Came in with a head contusion
Had to resuscitate multiple times
Time of death 15:26
Heart stopped multiple times
Died of a subdural hematoma
Tried everything we could
Could not resuscitate last time.

'Wait how am I alive if I died?' You thought to yourself. You placed the clipboard back and started walking down the hallway. You came to the waiting room and saw all your friends sitting there.

"Guys?" You asked and their heads instantly shot up and looked at you.

"Y/N!" They all screamed and ran to you engulfing you in a group hug.

"Wait I have to talk to Matt a second alone." You said pulling Matt out of the room.

"Baby I'm so glad your-" he started then you cut him off.

"Did Damon feed me his blood?" You asked looking scared.

"Why?" He asked

"Just answer the question." You told him sternly as tears came to your eyes.

"Yes, yes he did. Why?" He said. Your knees felt weak and you brought your hand to your mouth.

"What's wrong?" He asked pulling you to his chest.

"I'm in transition."

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